chapter six

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Can I call you

I sighed, waiting from a response from Leo on the edge of my bed. My gut twisted in fear at the thought of losing Mammy. She was the only positive mother figure I had in my life.. she was my mother. She raised me to be the woman I am today and the thought of her not being here anymore hurts me to the core.

My phone vibrated in my lap alerting an incoming call, I looked down causing my silky black hair to fall down the sides of my face.

I slid my finger across the screen answering his incoming phone call.

"Wassup, you okay?" Leo answered the phone with his phone slightly worried from my voice.

"Not really.." I frowned wiping the stray tear that slipped down my cheek.

"Hold on mama," He said. "That's it for today thank you. I have a family emergency." I heard him say to the other people on the other end of the phone. Then I remembered he was out of town for business.

"Okay, I'm back. What's wrong?" He spoke on the other end of the phone once he was inside his car heading back to his hotel for the night.

"My mom.." I took a moment from finishing. "She has cancer and she decided not to continue with chemotherapy and her medication," I finished now completely bawling at this point.

He stayed quiet until I calmed down, "That's a lot.. but you know cancer a tricky situation. It takes a lot of energy from that person and if she's ready to meet her maker all you can do is stand by her side and love her. That's what I'm trying to do with Lena right now.." He told me.

"I'm so sorry.." I caught the fact he dropped the girls mother was also a cancer patient at the moment.

"You know God does everything for a reason," He spoke softly but I could here the pain in his voice.

"Yeah, he does." I smiled realizing I might be able to let my walls down with Leo after all.


Days flew by like minutes and the day had finally arrived, Leo's and I first date. During the week Leo and I talked on the phone every night.  Consequently, we were very similar. We had the same taste in music, movies, and hobbies.

Looking in the mirror I was satisfied with my appearance. My red dress hugged my curvy body perfectly and revealed enough cleavage and thighs for this occasion. 

"You look great," Tabitha smiled finishing finishing adding leave in condition to the frontal installment I got a week ago giving it the wet and curly look I wanted. She finished my baby hairs as I applied red lip gloss to my full lips.  The sound of the doorbell rung went through the house.

"Thank you sis," I smiled fixing my hair behind my back revealing my beauty. I stood up and applied my perfume to my body. Grabbing, my phone and keys I exited out my room.

Entering, the living room I smiled watching Leo conversing with Ryann. Both Mammy and Reina watched the handsome man with a smile. I never trusted men around my daughter, other than Mason, but Leo was different.

He never gave off any negative or weird energy toward me. If he had other intentions I would of known already by his energy. Plus, over the week we've know each other I've learned Mariah and his nieces are his entire heart.

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