chapter nine

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"Go ahead," I nodded watching Mariah and Ryann run off to the playground, I sat down at the bench and watched them interact. Leo had an important meeting last minute and needed someone to get his daughter but everyone was busy, so I stepped in and got her from school when I picked up Ryann. 

Today was the day Thomas was officially a  free man, so earlier today I handled the restraining orders for Ryann and I.

I sat on the bench watching them. Then my phone rung and I picked it placing it in front of me for the FaceTime call, it was Leo.

"Heyyyy baby," I smile watching his sexy but tired face appear on my screen.

"Hey mama," He answered tiredly.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm about to get off in a little bit. What y'all doing?" He asked.

"We at the park right now."

"Alright, let me know when y'all heading back home. See if our girls wanna see a movie later," He yawned.

"Okay babe."

"Alright ma, I'll talk to y'all later."

"Okay, bye." I said ending the call, looking spotting the girls running toward me breathing heavily and sweaty.

"I won!" Mariah laughed sitting beside me. Ryann popped her lips and sat down beside me.

"I'm hungry," Ry commented taking in her scenery of the other kids playing on the equipment.

"We just got here and y'all already ready?" I ask and they nodded in response.

I gathered my belongings, "Let's go," I said standing up they mocked me and we left to get food.

We got in the house holding our
Chick-fil-A meals I purchased for them.

"Wash your hands before you eat," I told them watching them place their meals and milkshakes on the bar. They listened and went to wash their hands.

I went into Mammy room to give her the salad she asked me to bring with a cookies and creme milkshake.

I knocked softly on the door then pushed open the door and stopped when I saw her on her knees praying.

I waited until she finished.

"Oh! You almost gave me a heart attack," she laughed slowly standing up. I would help her but I know she hates feeling helpless.

"Sorry mammy," I said walking to her bed and handing her the food she asked for.

"Thanks baby," She smiled watching me sit beside her on the bed.

"How you feeling?" I ask placing my lemonade on her bed stand before turning to her.

"Okay," she smiled opening the salad container, I lifted my eyes to the episode of criminal minds she was watching. She's the reason I'm addicted to the show now.

"Is Leo coming over today?" She asked. A smile formed on my lips hearing his name being released in the atmosphere, I nodded feeding myself a fry.

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