chapter three

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A soft knock disturbed my sleep waking me up from my peaceful sleep.

"I got it," Mason said unwrapping his strong arms from around my curvy body. He slid on his sweatpants to cover his naked body. I was covered with his t-shirt so I was fine.

"What's wrong, Cupcake?" He asked squatting down to pick her up. She laid her head on his shoulder crying softly.

"I had a ni-ghtnare," She hiccuped with tears flowing down her face. He rubbed her back and closed the door.

"It's okay, I got you," He said walking back to the bed. I sat up, she climbed in the middle and laid her head on my chest.

I pushed her curls out my face. "It's okay mommy is here," I said covering her with the blanket. Her breathing calmed down as Mason turned off the light and turned on Spongebob for her.

I held her close and moments later she had fell back asleep. Mason grabbed his pillow and laid on the couch in my room. He knew I didn't want her to get any mixed signals between us.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"It's ight ," He mumbled laying on the white couch by my fireplace. I closed my eyes falling back into my peaceful slumber. My alarm blared loudly in the room. Ryann also woke up from the loud sound beside me.

"Morning.." I yawned covering my face after turning off the lamp.

"Morning," She said sitting up. "I'm going to go get ready," She said exiting out my bedroom. Taking a mini break, I gathered my thoughts for the day then got up. Today was the day Ryann was going to know everything about her father.

I got up realizing Mason had already left for his duty. He was in the Air Force and always had the early shift on base.

I went into the bathroom. I stared at my reflection. The bags under my eyes were finally gone and my skin looked a little brighter thanks to Mason's great pipe. I was finally looking normal again.

I twisted the knob and splashed cool water onto my face waking my body before completing my entire morning routine which didn't take long.

"Mommy! Can we go to Paneraaaaa?" Ryan asked walking into my opened bedroom door. I didn't have any morning appointments and she could miss one day of school.

"Do you have any test or anything today?" I asked her while I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair into a neat ponytail.

"Umm, no ma'am," She replied now standing beside me admiring me as I did my hair.

"You wanna go to the pool with me today?" I asked her. A wide smile appeared on her face at my offer.

"Of course," She replied hugging my waist. I smiled hugging her back tightly.

"I love you," I smiled squatting down to her level. It took me so long to say those words to her and mean it. I hated her so much when I was younger but as I grew up and matured, I realized her existences wasn't her fault, and that she deserved to be loved. I was her mother, and that was a blessing.

"I know," She smiled wrapping her arms around my neck. I smiled kissing her cheek as she held me tightly.

"Alright, go get ready. You need your bathing suit." I said releasing her from the hug.

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