chapter eleven

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later that night...

"I bought alcohol." Madison smiled lifting up bottles wrapped in brown papers bags. Madison and Mason both were at my house for a best friend sleepover we always did to catch up.

"I bought me." Mason uninterested embracing me into a side hug.

"I'll get glasses," I smiled leading them to the kitchen.

"Where's my Cupcake?" Mason asked talking about Ryann.

"She's with Leo."

"Leo?" He asked while Madison smiled giving me a knowing look. She already knew my situation with Leo was growing serious.

"Leo is my boyfriend and his has a daughter around Mariah age. He knew you guys were coming over so he volunteered to watch her... and she loves him so," I shrugged leading them to my bedroom. Madison went off to talk to Mammy.

"I felt like you told me about him but I ain't know it was that serious," Mason commented scratching the bag of his neck.

"Yeah.. his amazing," I smiled climbing on my bed.

"Well, I'm happy for you..." He sighed.

"You know our friendship isn't going to change we just can't mess around anymore," I told him.

"I know.. it's just that I really messed up big time with you," He said referring to the time he cheated on me while we were in a relationship.

"That's the past... it's okay, I forgave you." He wanted to say more but instead he nodded when Madison entered ending our conversation.

Closing my bedroom door Madison jumped on my bed wearing her pink silk pajama pants set that matched my red silk pajama pants set. We bought Mason a navy blue set but he never wears it.

Mason got up and sat at his favorite spot in my house, the window seat.

"Niggas ain't shit." Madison started off biting into a snickers bar while I poured myself a glass of wine.

"Bitches ain't shit." Mason defended listening to music on his phone.

"Whatever. Listen I was talking to this guy for two months. Two months! I even let him eat the pussy just to find out he has a son." She spoke in disappointment.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked confused sipping my wine.

"Kids aren't in my plan. I love my niece Ryann but I don't want kids personally. I'm too clingy to share my man with a kid." I laughed shaking my head.

"What happened after he told you he had a child?" I asked.

"After he ate me out.... again I left, I told him never to call me again." I shook my head laughing at her response.

"Bitches ain't shit." Mason and I said in unison causing us all to laugh together.

"Was he good?" I asked curiously watching her poor herself a shot of Tequila.

"The fucking best." She rolled her eyes drowning down a shot of Tequila.

"I'm going to a all white party next weekend. If you wanna commee find you a new tongue." I sung playfully.

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