chapter twelve

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I tore my eyes away from Leo who eyes were burning in my soul. I knew he was feeling a type of way by the way Mason came out my room.

He scratched his forehead and laughed, "So you had a sleepover with your best friends huh?" He asked licking his lips while staring into my eyes. he knew my friends were staying over but I forgot to tell him who.

"Yes, Mason and Madison are my friends," I said lowering my voice because both Ryann and Mason were in the room. I didn't want Leo and me first argument be public.

He rubbed his chin and repositioned himself so that he was closer to me and his back toward Mason and Ryann.

"I don't like that type of shit ma because  if I had a bitch come out of my damn room half naked. What would you do?" He asked. I didn't even have to think about it, I would be beating ass.

"Okay, I understand why you would feel a type of way but you know you my man and I'm not going to do you like that."

He looked me in eyes, "Baby, I've heard that before and still got my heart fucking broken. I don't like that weird shit," He finished.

I dropped my eyes to my hands then back to his eyes, "I'm sorry and if won't happen again."

He stared me for a moment and nodded, "Imma trust you now gimmie a kiss," He said. I smiled and leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, he kissed me back. We pulled back and stared into each other eyes. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder, he leaned back and wrapped his arm securely around me.

"Mommy, can I go the movies with Uncle Mason?" Ryann asked walking toward me but climbed on Leo's knee.

"Yeah, don't forget I'm not going to be home but Aunt Tabitha will be watching you for me," I reminded her.

"Okay! I'm going to go get ready." She smiled running toward her bed.


Later that day....

While Ryann and Mason left for the movies, me and Leo went to the mall for me to find an outfit for the all white party.

"How do you feel about this birthday get together thing?" Leo asked as we walked hand to hand to the next store.

"Kind of nervous but I have you and Madison so I'll be fine," I said.

"It should be fun but they just be chilling. I don't plan on staying long though so we'll be in and out type shit," He said.

"Babe, it's your sisters birthday."

"I know but—" he shook his head. "Me and my older sister Lacey don't fuck with each other like that and she get real slick with the mouth so I just keep my distance."

I nodded, "I understand but I think you should still go and make memorable moments with your siblings life is short," I encouraged.

He smacked his lips knowing I was right, "We'll see."

"We'll see," I mocked him while pulling him to the direction of the next store I wanted to visit.

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