chapter twenty-nine

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"Shit, okay. I'm on my way," Leo said putting his phone away.

"What's wrong?" I asked receiving a message from Sydney.

"I gotta go to Climax real quick. Can you tell your sister to meet us there?" He asked and I nodded sending Tabitha the new plan. She agreed to meet us there. I read the message Sydney sent me.

Girl! His ass got me on the not allowed list. The doorman is about to call him!

"Babe," I said gaining his attention.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"Can I see your phone real quick? My shit bugging," I lied. He nodded getting on the highway. I reached down and picked up his phone turning the ringer off.

Unlocking his phone, I went to Instagram and added my own account. In the middle of doing that his phone went off, I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered. Leo looked over at me curious of who was calling.

"Hello, Ms. Rylee is Mr. Alsina available?" The head doorman, Jason asked.

"His not at the moment. What's the matter?" I asked checking my nails. Leo recently added me on the lease so I could let up whoever.

"Sydney Alsina is here but Leo has her banned from entering the house." He told me. My skin crawled hearing her last name slip from his lips.

"Oh! She's fine you can let her up. I told her to get something for me. She's about to meet us in a few," I said while Leo slid his fingers between mine. I smiled receiving a kiss on my cheek.

"Alright, thank you."

"Bye." I said ending the call.

"Who was that Mama?" He asked parking the car in front of the empty club.

"Jason, Tabitha needed time get something from the house and I just have her permission," I lied. He nodded believing me when Levi's car pulled up beside ours. I turned his ringer back on and placed it in the cup holder after logging out my Instagram account.

"Uncle Levi!" The girls squealed putting their windows down.

I smiled feeling my phone vibrate in my lap.

We're all good! 😅 see you in a bit 🙃

Make yourself comfortable 🤣

"What's up?" Levi said coming to my side. I smiled locking my phone before he could see my messages.

"How you been?" I asked getting out the car giving him a hug.

"Blessed. How you been?"

"I've been better." I smiled watching Tabitha pull up in her all black Mercedes.

"Come on girls," I said opening their door.

"Bye, daddy!"

"Bye, babies. Love y'all. Wassup Tabitha," He said waving, she smiled waving back. "Baby meet us inside," He said looking back at me.

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