chapter five

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Tabitha ^^


"What got you glowing over there hot stuff?" Mammy asked entering the living room with her walker, I smiled laying my head on my grey sofa pillow.

"A man," I exaggerated stretching my body across the couch. She chuckled sitting down on the rocker seat, and turned her attention to Criminal Minds, the television show I was watching.

"Does this young man have a name?" She questioned lowly.

"Leo, his one of my swimmers father and his sooo handsome and successful," I smiled feeling butterflies roam in my belly and chest from thinking about him.

"Well you know men.. they always start off so perfect," She spoke shaking her head. "Just be careful and listen to your gut! It has all the answers you'll ever need." She said spilling wisdom on me.

"Yes, Ma'am." I yawned tiredly.

"Where's Ry?" Mammy asked me.

"Still sleep you know she sleeps all day on the weekends like she got a full time job."

She shook her head, "That hardheaded child of yours."

"Aye, Ryann is good..." I laughed receiving a side eye from her.

"If you mean bad in Spanish then yes, she's good," She chuckled with me.

"Speaking of the devil," She mumbled watching Ryann walk in after waking up and completing her morning routine.

"My babbyyyyy, come show Mammy some love," Mammy said opening her arms for a hug. Ryann smiled running to the lady who just called her hardheaded two seconds ago.

"Mammy is fake!" I laughed sitting up.

"What y'all want for lunch?" I asked knowing Ryann was hungry and Mammy needed something in her stomach.

"I just want some cereal."'Ryann smiled giving me a hug. I hugged her back and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"And I'm not hungry," Mammy joined in.

"Well, don't ask for nothing later heffas," I said plopping back down on the couch while Ryann disappeared to make her cereal.

"Don't make a mess, Ry!" I shouted then heard the sound of Frosted Flakes spilling on the kitchen floor. I sighed it never failed.

"Too late," Mammy laughed watching the television.

I shook my head, "I got it!" Ryann exclaimed back from the kitchen to prevent herself from getting into any trouble.


Throughout the day I text Leo who was our if town again for business. He promised to take me out to dinner once he returned in a few days and I was honestly looking forward to seeing him again. It felt good to be wined and dined again. Mason did it all the time but it wasn't the same when we ended the relationship.

"Ryann eww!" Tabitha scold to the young girl who kept releasing her stinky gas near her. "Keep it up and imma kick your ass," She said smacking the girl booty. They both on the living floor while I laid on the living couch. Ryann laughed before falling into Tabithas arms.

"Get your worrisome child," Tab begged pushing Ryann off her lap, Ryann stood back up and fell into her arms again giggling. She thought it was so funny that her aunt was so annoyed. Rylee laughed watching the two interact. They were always so close.

"Just beat her ass," Rylee replied watching the two start fight on the floor. She shook her head watching Tabitha crawl on-top of Ryann who was trying to wiggle from underneath her.

"Weirdos," Rylee chuckled strolling through her Instagram feed to keep busy while the wrestling round soon ended.

"That's why I beat you," Ryann said standing and jumping at Tabitha. Tabitha reached for her resulting in Ryann to run to her room laughing.

"Worrisome ass," Tabitha commented pulling out her phone.

"You better stop all that running," Mammy warned Ryann as she re-entered the living room to have a serious conversation with her grandchildren.

"I need to talk to y'all," She sighed taking her seat beside me. I removed my feet and at up. The seriousness of her tone awakened my entire body.

"Wassup Mammy?" Tabitha questioned putting away her cellphone. The urgency in Mammy voice also gained her full attention.

We focused on the elder skinny black woman who use to be so healthy. Her chocolate skin was use to be natural glowing and her eyes were bright with life. Now she looked so weak and defeated. Her eyes still held life but the light was dimming.

"Sooo... I've decided to stop attending chemotherapy and taking the medication," She raised her hand to stop us from interrupting.

We shut our mouths, "It's make me sick and weak. And I'm getting real tired of fighting I just want to live the rest of my life free from radiation, medication, and doctor visits," She addressed.

My mouth stay shut I was speechless. It was clear she already made up her decision and there was nothing I could say to change her mind. It was her life, not mine.

"I already spoke with my Doctor and he completely thinks it's a good idea for me to live my last three months free with my family. And once it's my time to enter the gates of Heave.. promise me you all will let me go. Don't keep me on now machine!" She preached. Tabitha wiped the tears that stained her cheek. I swallowed my tears, I never showed weakness in front of my family. I was always the strong one everyone looked up to.

"Yes, Ma'am. We support your decision.. we completely understand," I said standing up.

" I knew you would," She cried embracing me into a tight up as I wrapped my arms around the love of my life.. my mother figure.


"Hey," I smiled weakly to Leo. We were having our first FaceTime conversation.

His face fell in confusion at my saddened tone. "You okay?" He questioned concern obviously hearing the tears in my throat.

"No, I just received some bad news a few minutes ago." I answered sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You wanna talk about it?" He offered to listen to my issues. A small smile appeared on my face. Why are you smiling?

"Not really, I don't want to drain you with my problems," I said rejecting his offer.

He chuckled. "You're not, I promised. Now tell me what's on your mind," He replied clearly not taking a no for an answer.

"I don't open up to people easily." I confessed.

"I respect that but I'm not people, I'm Leo," He grinned.

"I know who you are but I really don't want to talk about it right now." I said ending the topic and respectfully he changed the subject.

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