Is this happeneing

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              *Zachs pov*
  I wake up in Jacks arms and i look up a he adorable sleeping face and hir curly hair, I put my head on his head a gently run it through his hair trying not to wake him, but of course i woke him anyway........ "Hey baby" he said in morning voice, while smiling , "Hey you" i said running my finger on his cheeck, "Zachy You cute yah know" he said sitting up and yawning, "Yah i know" i said lauging and poking his chest "Oh its on mister" he said grabbing me and pulling me close to him he started tickling me, i hated being tickled and he knew that, i laughed and laughed even though i hated it, but all the sudden not meaning to i kicked, i kicked him right in the stomach, he immediately stopped tickling me and grabbed him stomach gasping for arm "Im sorry baby, i didn't me to" i said pulling him into my lap and kissing his fore head, a tear streamed dowm my cheek "im sorry" i whispered......... he looked at me in pain, i pulled up his shirt revealing the big mark i left, i got up and ran down stairs passing the other threw and running to our back yard, i sat on the rocks and held my knees, i cryed and cryed except i didn't know why i couldn't stop crying, Corbyn came out and sat beside me "Jack told us what happend" he said putting a arm around me "Is he ok" i say muffled through my tears "It left a big bruise, Jonah and daniel are upstairs with him right now, they gave him ice and Advil, Jonah thinks he might have a broken rib" be said looking over at the sky "I hurt him" i said "All i ever do it hurt him" I added, Corbyn looked at me and pulled my head up "Don't say that Zachary, he loves you" He said in a sincer tone, "I hurt every one Corbyn all i ever do is hurt people.......... I get up off the rocks before he can say anything, I walk upstairs and into my room, i can hear jonah, Daniel, and Jack talking in the other room i peek around the corner and see Jack laying on the bed with tears still in his eyes and ice where i kicked him, I go to Jonah, corbyn and I's room and lock the door, i slide down the door and look up........
"Why am i so stupid"  i say to myself, then there was a knock on the door "Zach, it's Jonah, let me in please bud" he said softly, I didn't wanna let him in but i also didn't wanna be alone, I stood up slowly and opened the door, "Zach" he said pulling me into a hug,  "He's not mad at you" he added after he pulled away from the hug, we sat there a few minites, "Come on we gotta leave for tour" He said grabbing his and Corbyns bags, Crap  I say to myself, i totally forgot about tour. I put on black jeans and a white shirt, I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs and there he was sitting on the couch waiting for me, "Baby" he said getting up slowly of the couch, He kissed me, then went to grab his bag, he set it down and grabbed his ribs "Im sorry baby" i say "Let me get it" I grab his bag and walk out and put them in the car. We all got in the uber, Jack and I sat in the very back i turned looking out the window, corbyn sat in front of me and Daniel in the middle leaving Jonah in front of Jack......... The ride was silent, but half way through Jack slid over close to me and said "Please talk to me" he said, i didn't answer, he put his hand on my thigh and said "Baby talk to me" I dont know what got in me cause,  i took his hand off my thigh and said "Leave me be ok Jack, you don't have to be on me 24 7" He looked at me in confusion, then moved back to his seat.............
   When we got to the bus, i walked beside Jonah behind the rest of the guys, "Are you ok" he said, i turned to him and said "No" he stopped me and hugged me "Talk to me Zachary" he said "All i do is hurt people and now im hurting Jack" i said looking at my feet, "Thats not true, he loves you so much and all he wants to do is make you happy" he said patting my back "I should go talk to him" i say and jonah nods "go get him tiger" he said with a smirk on his face............
   I take a deep breath as i enter the bus "Jacky can we talk" i say sitting beside him and grab his hand,  he stands up and pulls me off to front of the bus "Jack, im" i start to say but he interrupts me, "I think we should take a break as a couple" his words make my heart drop to my stomach............

                 *  Jacks pov *

   "I think we should take a break" i say watching his face fall and his eyes water, a tear runs down his face, "I just don't know who we are are anymore zach and i don't know who you are amymore" i say sitting in the drivers seat,  He just stares them je turns and walks out crying, he walked to his buck and closed the curtain, Your so stupid Jack a voice in my head says while another one says Good job he doesn't deserve you, I walk and sit on the couch and look at the message from my mom one more time, the whole reason i just did what i did the reason were both sitting by our selfs hurting and crying the message from my own mother.............
  Jacky, i love you with all my heart and you know that but you also know how i feel about zach and after what you told me last night i think its best you break up with him, He'll only hurt you more and more plus your sisters all hate you right now and think you hate them because you don't post anymore about them and you just pay attention to Zachary.......

Yes i know I shouldn't listen to her but some of me belives her, what if I'm hurting him, what if my sister's acully hate me.........

           *Jacks moms pov*

      I lied to my own son, his sisters all love zach and him, and its not that i don't like Zach, i don't like thw fact that there dating, i don't want jack tk get hurt and I'll do anyhting to keep zach away from my boy............

*I know jacka moms not really like this but i just made her like this for my story... let me know what you think about this chapter*

Word count- 1193

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