Hey guys

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I want you to read this and take it in.. take in every bit of it... When you say something out loud for everyone to here make sure your realize that... Make sure you realize that you might be hurting somebody... cause you could be talking about somebody while there bestfriends sitting behind you... and that girl sitting behind you isn't gonna tell her friend what your saying... She gonna keep it inside... and its gonna stay there forever... its gonna crush her insides and cause her pain and Anxiety... Shes always gonna keep that inside... shes always gonna have that constant pain nagging at her... Its always gonna hurt her... but you'll never know she heard you... and you'll never know its hurting her even though she might have been sitting right behind you and you knew she was there... you still said it... you still said one thing... and that one thing turns into thousands and millions of things... things that haunt that girl... things that tug at her heart... and one day she'll have had enough.... she'll start hiding more and more... she'll start getting marks under her eyes from crying... but you wont notice... and her friends wont notcie...  and her parents wont notice... until it's to late... and then they start saying things they should have done... but at that point it doesn't matter... Because that person said something and that caused it.. A person yelled and caused anxiety.. A person made her uncomfortable and she went into immediate hiding... but all she wanted was someone to hug her and tell her they were there to talk... all she wanted was for things to go back to normal.. and it all happened because done person said something... because they have to say everything on there mind.. So next time you say something take a minute and think about the outcome...  cause you never know what one little thing could do to a person...

Jachary😍😙😘 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now