To The Digital World

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A/N: I'm gonna start off on Season 2 episode 38 but I'm gonna use a small part and go from there with my own version. If you don't like it Oh well, its your problem. Enjoy!

"Wow, this is exciting! People are already lining up for Matt's concert!"

Sora said standing outside by Matt's practice room with Biyomon.

"Don't worry, Sora, we'll be sure to get good seats! Especially after you bring him those homemade cookies!"

"I hope."

Just then not too far ahead, Tai and Agumon made their way to Sora.

"Sora! Wait up!"

He yelled

"Oh, Tai!"

She said shyly but then pulls the present away from Tai blushing.

"Something smells good!"

Agumon said as he sniff the gift in Sora's hands. Just then Gabumon opened the door.

"Matt's busy getting ready. But I'll take those to him! Mmm!"

Gabumon said hungrily.

"Oh, no you won't! You'll eat the whole thing yourself!"

Biyomon said as she block the gift away from Gabumon.

"Why, I resent that! I'm on a diet!"

He said proudly. Tai then looked to Sora

"So, Sora? Are you going to the concert with anyone? Not that it matters...just wondering."

"No. I want to be available in case Matt's free afterwards. Hmm."

"Oh, I see. Matt, huh?"

He said casting his eyes down for a moment and looked back at Sora who still had a blush on her face.


"It's okay."

He offered a gentle smile at her.

"You're not mad at me, Tai?"

"Of course not. Now get in there, and say 'Hi' to Matt for me."

"Thanks, Tai."

She said with a smile.

"The least you could do is leave us the cookies!"

Agumon yelled. Sora laughs

"Tell you What. I'll make some special ones for you."

"I'll be waiting. Thanks."

Tai said. Sora was about to walk away but stop to look back.

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

Tai smiled

"Nothing I just thought I will be dropping by at the digital world to meet an old friend"

Sora was confused by the old friend comment but decided not to press the issue and quickly change the subject.

"Will you be at Ken's party tonight?"

"We'll see"

Sora nodded and walked off to see Matt before he goes on stage. Agumon looked at Tai.

"You know What, Tai?"


"You've really grown up!"

Just then they heard someone screaming and immediately look back in shock as they saw June.

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