Mission Complete

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5yrs have come and gone, Tai and Tiny's child have grown into his father's footsteps. He chose Koramon (Sharp) to be his partner since they both love adventure and have the heart of courage. Tiny was once again pregnant showing her baby bump but it won't be a while for it to fully show. Penny had stayed by Tiny's side and surprisingly Pamela and Guilmon decided to stay at the mansion in the digital world, their kids have grown but Guilmon was still the tallest, speaking of which that's where Tai and Tiny's son will be heading. Tiny smiled as she bend down to give her son a big hug.

"Oohhh my baby is growing up too fast"


Their son groaned annoyed at the kisses being thrown at him from left and right. Tai chuckled as he put on his jacket. Everyone was meeting at the park but Tiny had other plans. Penny and Agumon were having a talk with their son.

"Be sure to keep him safe and out of harm"

Penny said.

"Don't forget their are some friends of Tiny that will also be there to help you."

"Plus the big mansion in case you need food, bath and sleep"

Sharp nodded at everything his parents were saying since they trust him to be a partner to Tiny and Tai's son.

"Okay were off"

Tai said as he gave Tiny a kiss on the lips.

"I'll be back later"

"Okay have fun son"

They happily waved at each as they took their leave with Agumon and Sharp. Tiny then closed the door with a smirk. Penny noticed it.

"What's with that smirk?"

"Nothing much, its just now I finally have the chance to do what I always wanted to do"

"What's that?"


Penny raised one eye brow in confusion.

"Where and what do you mean?"

"Well I'm planning to put an end on Meiko's life, she's been a nuisance ever since

"I don't understand, but you accepted her apology"

"I know but then Tai started having a affair with her"

"What?! When was this?!"

Penny shouted angrily.

"Since the proposal"

"But why didn't you tell me, I could have ended her life for you"

"I know but like I told you a long time ago, you went over the limit, you made war. I would rather end it myself instead of causing a scene"

Penny huffed with a blush on her face.

"Well I wasn't thinking"

"Exactly, so now I'm doing it my way"

"But your pregnant?"

"So who said I was going to get my hands dirty, I'll use my abilities instead"

Penny then happily smiled.

"Oh great because for a second there, I was concern about the baby"


Tiny said as she open a portal to another city. Ever since Tiny created the devices for to make a portal to the digital world she continued to progress her mind and it led her to create one that would allow her to go to another city and state.

*At Meiko's Home*

Meiko was at home reading a book in her bedroom until the radio from her nightstand came on playing a song.

I've been a bad bad girl
I've been careless with a delicate man
And it's a sad sad world
When a girl will break a boy just because she can

Meiko frowned and closed her book as she sat on the edge of the bed and turned it off but then it came back on along with her TV.

Don't you tell me to deny it
I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins
I've come to you cause I need guidance to be true
And I just don't know where I can begin

Meiko got up and unplug the TV and her radio but the song continued.

What I need is a good defense
Cause I'm feelin' like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love

"What's going on here?"

She said out loud.

"Hello there"

Said a voice. Meiko quickly looked up and gasp as she saw Tiny leaning against the wall next to her shelf.

"H-how did you get in here?"

She asked shaking as she backed away towards her door but was blocked by Penny who was growling showing off her claws and teeth.

"Now now, I'm just here because I want to have a little chat. So please sit"

Meiko slowly made her way to the bed. Tiny then walked up to her holding a glass bottle on one hand and another a statue.

"What do you want?"


"You already have Tai what else do you want from me?"

"I may have Tai but just to make sure your out of the picture, I need you gone. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way"

She said showing Meiko what's in her hands. Tiny smirk as she saw the fear in Meiko's eyes.

"Y-your crazy"

"Maybe....well just a little"

"I want you out of my house now!"

Meiko shouted as she stood up and pushed Tiny, as she tried to make it towards the door. Tiny frown and snap her finger and that was Penny's cue for to attack. She let out a hiss as she jumped at Meiko and bit her neck causing blood to splatter as she yanked her skin. Tiny stood aside with a smirk. Meiko was twitching as Penny continued to bite her as blood was draining out of her body until finally she took her last breathe laying on the floor. Penny then stood up with blood covering her face and body.

"Ugh I'm gonna need a bath"

Penny said with disgust. Tiny laugh as she walked closer to examine the body.

"I told you I didn't want to get my hands dirty"

"Yeah yeah yeah, let's go back home"


Tiny then opened the portal to her home and casually walked through as if nothing happened. As for Penny she went to take a bath before Agumon and Tai notice.

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