Sorry Too Late

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Tai ran and ran around the mansion trying to find Tiny in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and finally he decided to check the bedroom. He was panting and was heartbroken when he saw Tiny sitting on the edge of the bed with her face buried in her hands as she cried and sobbed. Tai immediately ran to her and fell on knees in front of her.

"Tiny...Tiny I'm sorry. You were right I should have known better, please just don't.."

But Tiny wouldn't hear it and got up, pushing Tai away from her.

"Leave me alone, its too late for that"

"Tiny please..."

"Get out"


"I don't want to hear what you have to say just go and then you can finally be with Sora and Meiko"

"I don't want nobody else just you"

Tai said as tears began to gather in his eyes. He got up and walked towards Tiny and grabbed one of her hand firmly and got down on one knee.

"Marry me?"

He asked desperately not caring at all on how pathetic he looked. Tiny tried pulling her hand away but Tai took out the ring and tried to put it on Tiny's ring finger, but Tiny kept moving until Penny jumped on top of Tai, pushing him to the ground.

"She said get out!"

Penny yelled. Tai got up and saw all the digimons gathered in the room looking at him angrily. Tiny scoot away from Tai and the digimons got in front of her to defend her.

"Leave and don't ever come back"

She said sternly. The tears in Tai's eyes came trailing down his cheek, he looked up to Tiny.

"I love you"

Tiny remained quiet as the digimons began pushing Tai out of the room and out of the mansion. Tai sadly made his way to Agumon who was also crying and Meiko who was worried, he opened the portal to the human world without first taking one last glance at the mansion where all his memories with the girl of his dreams stayed.

*Three Days Later*

Penny looked at Tiny sadly, its been three days and Tiny was still crying her poor heart out. She mostly stayed in her room and hardly eats anything. Penny mostly stood by Tiny's side and she hated seeing her like this. Tiny was currently in her bed crying and sniffling, Penny rubbed her back soothling and comfortably.

"Its okay Tiny, everything will get back to normal, it will just take time"

Penny said. Tiny looked towards Penny.

"You didn't have to break up with Agumon because of me Penny"

"You don't have to worry about that. Just try to take some rest okay, I will take care of everything"

She said as she hoped off the bed and closed the door. She then angrily went down the stairs where Blaze was waiting.

"How is she?"

"The same. I need you to run an errand"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Gather all the digimons. We are having a secret meeting, tell them its urgent"

Blaze nodded.

"As you wish"

Blaze said as she ran off.

*30 minutes*

All the digimons that are friends with Tiny came together.

"We are here because a human name Tai broke Tiny's heart. Tiny is a good person we all know that, she doesn't deserve this kind of pain"

"Will she be okay?"

Pamela asked

"She will be"

"What do we do?"

Sally asked. Penny smirk evilly as her eyes glowed red.

"I'm gonna tell you, we would all go to the human world and corrupt chaos, destroy anything and everything that cross our path. Make them suffer, make them pay."

"What about the other digimons from the human world fights us?"

Loki asked.

"Fight back, this is war. This isn't a game, we are fighting to live. They broke Tiny and we will get our revenge until we are satisfied. Am I clear?"

Penny said. All the digimons eyes turned red with anger and hate and yelled.


All except Pamela, who was trying to fight it but it was no use. Her eyes turn red but she shook her head and slowly sneak away from the group and quickly went back to the human world. She hurriedly went to tell Guilmon and Takato, Takato then spread the word to Henry and Rika to get them ready.

"Guilmon I'm scared"

Pamela said worriedly, her eyes were still red but she was trying to fight it. Guilmon sadly hugged her.

"It's going to be okay"

"I can't fight it for long. I'm eventually going to break and then i'll be fighting by their side. I don't want to fight"

She cried into Guilmon's chest. Now Guilmon was more concern, but the only thing he can do is hug her and try to keep her calm and wait for Takato's instruction on how to handle the situation. Penny smirk as all the digimons gathered by her side as she opened the portal to the human world.

"Let's go"

Penny said as she enetered the portal and all the digimons followed. They found themselves in the park, all the digimons looked to Penny waiting for her signal, Penny closed her eyes and smelled the air.

"Ah. Now go!"

She shouted and all the digimons ran towards the people and into the city causing destruction and accidents. The news reporters were all ready at the scene and began recording. Tai and Kari were at home and was in shock on what they were seeing.

"We are sorry to interrupt your program but their seems to be a mass destructions of creatures attacking the city and it appears....wait we have a glance of who the leader is"

It showed an image of Penny with red eyes smirking evilly at the reporter before throwing an attack causing the screen to go blank. Tai and Kari immediately stood up.

"Is that who I think it is?"

Tai asked. Agumon and Gatomon were sitting on the dinning table when they saw the news.


Agumon said sadly.

"Why is she doing this?"

Kari asked.

"It doesn't matter but we need to go stop her now"

Tai said as he send a quick text to all the tamers he knew.

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