Unexpected Visitor

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When Tai's mother found out about the pregnancy, she was already planning a baby shower. She even bought clothes for boys and girls. Tiny was starting to get nervous with Yuuko but luckily Tai was at least there for to help calm his mother. The months have went by and Tiny was already on her second to last month and Yuuko manage to get Tiny and Tai to agree with a baby shower. The couple wanted to be surprise with the gender, so they asked Kari to go with Tiny to the appointment to find out about the gender but kept it a secret from Tiny until the day of the baby shower.

As for Penny she already had her babies before Tiny and had three Koramons. Agumon couldn't be happier, they had two boys and one girl, Alex, Sharp and Pink. Tai and Tiny were currently out of their own home until after they have everything set for the babyshower. All of Tai's friends came to help pitch in for to celebrate. They were out having a nice stroll in the park but was taking breaks every now and then because Tiny couldn't no longer walk in far distances.

"Can we go home now?"

Tai chuckled.

"Not yet until Kari sends us a text when its time"

He said rubbing Tiny's large stomach.

"I can't wait for the baby to arrive"

"Neither can I"

Tiny said with a giggle when she felt the baby kick. A sound of a beep went off alerting Tai that he received a text. He then stood up and grabbed Tiny's hand helping her up.

"Now we can go home"

After 15 minutes, the married couple finally arrived and was impress with the decorations of pink and blue.

"Wow this is incredible"

Tiny said amazed. The family and friends began to eat, play games and talk. Kari heard the door bell and signaled Tai and Tiny to relax while she answers. Kari was surprised to see Meiko and brought her in to the party.

"Hey you guys, look whose late"

Kari said as all eyes went to Meiko in surprise. The smile from Tiny's face disappeared and Tai grabbed hold of Tiny's hand in comfort.

"Um Tai can I talk to you in private"

Meiko said. Tai looked to Tiny who smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before whispering to him.

"I trust you"

She said lowly making sure no one heard. Everyone was unaware of the tension between Meiko, Tai and Tiny as the party continues. Tai smiled and stood up as he signaled Meiko to come to the other room. As soon as they were alone Meiko, wrapped her arms around his neck but Tai pulled her arms away.

"Meiko stop"

"You haven't contacted me in months"

"This thing between us is over Meiko. I'm happily married and I'm starting a family, I can't keep doing this with you, its not right"


"You need to leave"

Meiko was about to cry but was replaced with anger.


She said stomping out of the room. Tai let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose with frustration until a yell came from where the party room was being held.

'Oh no!'

He thought as he ran into the room and all eyes were on him. He looked to see Meiko standing over Tiny who glared at her angrily.

"Tai how could you?"

Tai's mother said as she stood up beside Tiny.

"You were having an affair with Meiko during the whole time you were with Tiny"

Tai made his way to Tiny and helped her up. He then glared at Meiko.

"Leave and don't make me repeat myself"

He said sternly to Meiko who then took her leave with a proud smirk on her face. Tai's mother angrily took a step to Tai and slapped him on the cheek. Tiny then stood in front of Tai facing everyone.

"Everyone relax, me and Tai had already talked about this"

"Wait a second, you knew about the affair?"

Mimi asked. Tiny sadly nodded.

"I told Tai that I knew and he promised thatvhe would break it of and he did that's why Meiko came because she was angry"

Everyone then apologize to Tai even his mother apologized for slapping him. Just then Penny arrived walking on all fours in her Gatomon's form with the three Koramons following her with Agumon on the back of the line. Penny raised one eye brow in confusion towards everyone.

"Did something happened?"

Everyone smiled nervously and shook their heads. They knew what Penny was capable of and decided not to tell her anything and keep it a secret. Just then to lighten up the mood, Matt and TK stood up.

"Hey so let's all head up to the nursery room"

"Yeah and that's where the big surprise will be."

Everyone happily followed behind Tai and Tiny as they made their way to the baby's room.


Tai said with a smile.


Tiny said with a smile.


They said together as Tai turn to door knob and revealed a baby blue color room. Tiny was in tears as she walked in and examine everything. Tai was stunned at the thought of having a son as he wrapped his arms around Tiny's waist, as they looked at how everything is organized to the baby's bottles, toys, blankets and baby books. Tiny turn and looked to everyone.

"Thank you all"

She said as she faced Tai and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Tai then deepend the kiss as gently began to massage her back.

"Okay easy there, first have this kid before planning another one"

Agumon said as everyone laughed at the joke. Tai and Tiny pulled away with a smile.

"Cake, cake, cake"

The small Koramons chanted and jumping in place.

"Well you know those are Agumon's kids since their first word is food"

Penny said with a smirk. Everyone laughed as they made their way to the kitchen to cute the cake. Tai and Tiny couldn't be happier on having very supportive friends and family.

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