Telling The Others

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"Come on how about it?"

"I'm not sure about this Tai?"

"You've done this a million times, why is this one different?"

"Two reasons actually. One I'm meeting your parents and second you're telling your friends"

"Its going to be fine"

Tiny let out a sigh with defeat but nonetheless smiled at her boyfriend. Tiny and Tai has been dating for 5 months now, Tai and Agumon would go to the digital world everyday to hang out with theirs girls.


Tiny said as she opened the portal to the human world. Tai and Tiny went through hand in hand leaving Agumon and Penny at the digital world for the mean time until they return.

"So who should we got tell first?"

"How about my parents? I can tell them where to meet us"

"Sure and is there anything I should be warn about what to say or not to say?"

Tai simply chuckled and wrap his arm around Tiny's shoulder bring her in more closer and poked her on her nose and gave her a wink causing her to blush.

"Don't worry they already know about you"

"Really? You told your parents about me? Then why do I still need to meet them?"

"For to meet face to face and yeah I told them about you a long time ago"


"So let's find a phone booth and give them a call"

Tiny nodded as Tai lead the way, since she is still new to the city. Tai's parents agreed to meet at a restaurant, it didn't take long for Tai and Tiny to arrive but along the way he was telling some og the best places in the city. Once they arrived, they were surprised that his parents were already there. They happily greeted each other and ordered their food, during the meal, Mr. And Mrs. Kamiya were asking Tiny some questions.

"Wait a second, you mean to tell me this is the girl who grew up in the digital world?! But she looks normal"

Mr. Kamiya shouted. Mrs. Kamiya just stared at her husband and Tai did a face palm. Tiny just tilt her head in confusion.

"What did you expect I would look like? A digimon?"

"Uh a little"

Tiny then broke into a laugher breaking the tense moment causing the parents to smile.

"So Tiny, do you cook?"

Mrs. Kamiya asked taking a sip of her drink.

"No, I mostly do baking and pastry"

"But she does make excellent pies"

Tai said as he remebered eating the pie she had made. Mrs. Kamiya and Mr. Kamiya looked to each other and smiled looking towards Tai and Tiny.

"You have our approval son"

Mr. Kamiya said.

"She would make an excellent wife for you"

Ms. Kamiya said with a dreamy look of creating a wedding, Tai raised one eye brow nervously.

"Um mom we didn't think that far ahead, I mean we are still girlfriend and boyfriends and besides we still have time before that happens. Right Tiny"

Tai said looking at Tiny who was blushing lightly and nodded. After their meal, Tai's parents said goodbye and asked Tiny to come and visit more often from now on. Tai was happy at the fact his parents liked Tiny very much, now it was time to tell his friends. It took 30 minutes to gather all the gang together at the park.

"So what was the emergency?"

Matt asked. Tai smiled and presented Tiny, they happily greeted her since its been years since they last saw her when they were all just kids.

"Tiny and I are together. We have been dating for 5 months now"

"Wait did Mom and Dad already met Tiny?"

"Yeah we just finished having lunch with them and I told them the news, they were more than happy that I finally have a girlfriend"

Tai said. Kari happily hugged Tiny with a bright smile.

"Wow, does this mean you will soon be my sister in law?"

She asked with a giggle causing Tiny to giggle as well when Tai face palmed again.

"Ugh not you too"

Tai said annoyed. Izzy raised an eye brow.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because my mom was talking about marriage already and she is already trying to plan a wedding in her head"

With that said it caused everyone to laugh, all except Sora who was glaring at Tiny the whole time for the fact that she is there and is with Tai.

"Why are you even with her? Do you feel that sorry for to the point you decided to miss lead her?"

Sora asked sourly causing everyone to stop laughing and looked towards Sora. Tai frown and wrapped his arm around Tiny's waist.

"Its not out of sympathy Sora, this here may be the real deal for me"

Tai said with a smile looking at Tiny.

"I'm just saying because people tend to date other people to get others attention and this time you have. You lowered yourself to the point you think you can date things from another world"

Sora said annoyed. Tai frown.

"You're acting like if your jealous, if you are then just come out and say it but don't be trash talking about my girlfriend"

"Hey its okay you guys just cool it"

Joe said easily lifting up his hands in between Tai and Sora making sure to keep some distance from each other. Matt immediately got in between and grabbed Sora pulling her to the side.

"What is your problem? Why are you acting like this?"

"Its because of Tai"

"What about him?"

"I think he is just dating Tiny for to get my attention"

Matt let out a sigh, closing his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose

"Tai wouldn't sink himself low to do that and besides he wouldn't be wasting his time like that. Sora, your my girlfriend, Tai's business is his own and he can date whoever he wants."

"You just don't understand"

Sora said pulling away from him and began to walk away. Matt opened his eyes with a confused look.

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Matt shouted towards her back. Everyone watch in confusion, as they saw Sora leaving.

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