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Takato had contacted Tiny for an emergency. It would appears after Pamela got her new body, well Guilmon and Pamela decided to try some experiments and Guilmon manage to get Pamela pregnant. Her stomach was larger than normal because of the egg and she was ready to deliver but would need some guidance. Pamela was in her Guilmon form laying down on her back groaning a bit from the pain. Guilmon was concern on what to do but just tried rubbing her large stomach.

"It's okay Pam, just breathe in and out"

Takato said trying to at least help. Guilmon then placed a wet towel on Pamela's forehead for to avoid thw sweat getting into her eyes. Luckily, Tiny had arrived with some supplies.

"Hey sorry I'm late. Anything happened?"

"Just the contractions that are hitting her"

Takato answered.

"Is she going to be okay?"

Guilmon asked worried, holding Pamela's hand. Tiny smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I have seen this plenty of time and done this a plenty of time"


Henry, Terriermon, Rika, Renamon and along with Takato's other friends were outside the door waiting to hear about any news. Tiny then got ready amd settled in between Pamela's legs spread wide. She then put on her gloves and took a look to see how far she is, her eyes open wide.

"Takato get the towel quick, she's ready. Okay remember she will probably say things she doesn't mean but remember she's in pain"

Guilmon and Takato got ready.


"Okay start pushing, push push. Push it out, come on!"

"Aaaahhh, I'm am pushing you little fucker ah ah ah aaaaahhhhhh!!!!"

Pamela screamed as she pushed with all her might and it wasn't long before a perfectly, round strip red egg came into view. Tiny quickly grab the egg before it landed on the ground and hand it over to Takato to wrap it up with the blanket. Takato and Guilmon looked at the egg amazed. Tiny then looked to the egg and surprise that it was bigger than any other egg she ever saw. She then look to Pamela, who was panting with shaky legs. Guilmon smiled and walked towards her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You did it"


Pamela said tiredly. Takato looked to Tiny.

"So what do we do with the egg?"

"Just keep it warm or you can give it to Sparky (Elecmon) he helps to take care of digieggs"

"No, we want to"

Pamela said as she sat up slowly and stretched out her arms for to grab the egg. Takato gently handed to her, Pamela smiled as she looked at the egg with Guilmon by her side. Tiny smiled at the small family.

"I guess the egg is staying"

Tiny said to Takato. Tiny decided to stay for a while, for to see what will come out. It didn't take long as they heard a crack from the egg.

"It's hatching"

Pamela cried. After three picks the top of the egg poped out. Takato, Tiny and Guilmon looked over Pamela's shoulder was surprised to see not one but two Gigimon. Pamela was about to cry tried holding it in but then the two Gigimon jumped on to their mothers chest. Pamela happily took hold of them hugging them. They then jumped on to Guilmon one on the head and one on his arms. Takato and Tiny laugh and pretty soon everyone came in to see the newborns. Pamela slowly got up and walked to Tiny.

"What is it?"

"Would it be a problem if I go back to my Gatomon form?"

"I don't think so"

"But will my babies still know who I am?"

"It's worth a shot Pam"

Pamela nodded as her body shined bright turning her back into Gatomon's form. The two Gigimons saw the light and looked towards their mother and happily went to her, causing Pamela to be surprise.

"How did they know it's still me?"

She said almost crying. Guilmon then walked to Pamela and lightly nudged her.

"Because they know their momma very well"

Guilmon said causing Pamela to laugh as she left up one of her babies in the air causing it to laugh. Tiny remained looking at the happy family for moment longer before she decided to take her leave. Takato then saw Tiny leaving and quickly followed her.

"Hey why are you leaving so soon?"

Tiny looked back with a smile.

"I have a wedding I need to plan and guess what your invited"

"Oh thanks, that's great"

"See ya around Takato and help take care of the babies"

She said as she made a portal to enter into the digital world.

"What? Really?"

Penny said happily. Tiny had arrived to the mansion and told everyone the news.

"Yupp, and let me just say that Pamela has a very bad potty mouth when she is delivering"

All the digimons laughed.

"How did the babies look?"

"Adorable, their called Gigimons"

"What was it a boy or a girl?"

Blaze asked.


Tiny answered surprising everyone.

"What did they named them?"

Penny asked.

"I heard something like Ruby for the girl and Bread for the boy but Pamela was arguing with Guilmon about naming the baby after food"

The digimons all laughed once more before departing doing their own thing. Tiny then took a look around and notice that Tai and Agumon weren't there.

"Hey Penny, where's Tai and Agumon?"

"They left to hang out with their friends"

"And you didn't go?"

"Nah, I decided I needed some me time. Don't get me wrong I love Agumon but I need time to pamper myself"

"I understand and how does Agumon loves you in your Agumon form?"

"He loves it but I like to be in my natural form"

Tiny and Penny laughed.

"Well I'm gonna go and relax by the cliff"

"Okay have fun"

Tiny said as she headed to the kitchen and made herself some tea for to relax.

'Ah from this moment on, nothing can't go wrong'

She thought with a smile.

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