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Penny froze she wasn't expecting Tiny to be here.


"Don't you have any sense at all? This is so over the limit"

"I was doing this for you"

Penny said sadly as her ears went down flat. Tiny was confused.

"But why? I didn't want this? I never wanted this"

"You were hurting. Tai, Sora and Meiko was the one that hurt you, so I thought the best way to come up with a plan is to destroy the city that they loves for that way they can feel your pain"

"Oh Penny"

Tiny said as she got down on her knees bringing Penny in for a hug.

"Its okay to cry or feel mad or sad it let's me know I still have feeling"


"Things don't always go the way we plan but that doesn't mean we have to start a fight"

"Don't you want to make them suffer?"

Tiny let out a sigh and looked to Tai, Meiko and Sora.

"Well yeah but what good would that do? You can't fight fire with fire or else you'll cause a wildfire. Let's just head back home okay and pretend this never happened"

Penny nodded in agreement. Tiny then stood up facing the tamers, all the digimons stopped fighting and went to Tiny's side.

"From this day on, I would like to make something clear. We would not be entering your world anymore and the same will go for you don't enter the digital world. If you have a partner and want to stay with them then fine you will no longer be able to enter the digital world either. This is a warning, if you are found in our world then their will be consequences."

"Wait hold on a second you can't call dibs on the whole digital world"

Cody said angrily.

"I just did"

Tiny said as she made a giant portal for all the digimons can go inside. She then look to Penny, Pamela and Tai and then turn around as she entered the portal. Penny looked at Agumon with a sad look but with also guilt and walked into the portal before Agumon even had a chance to stop her. Pamela walked up to Guilmon and snuggle into his chest.

"I don't want to leave again"

Pamela cried. Guilmon just hold her as tears were gathering in his eyes.

"I don't want you to go either"

He then look to Takato.

"Can she stay, please and I promise I want bug you for anymore Guilmon bread, please just let her stay with me"

He cried as he hold on to her tighter. The other tamers were looking at the digimons with a sad look. Takato didn't know what to say or what to do. Until someone stepped back out of the portal, it was Penny.

"Pamela, its time to go"

Pamela looked back at Penny and shook her head as tears went down her face.

"No I'm staying"

"It's not a request, its an order"

Penny said as her eyes glowed red causing Pamela eyes to turn red but she was trying to fight it but it soon took control. She got out of Guilmon's arms and sadly walked towards the portal. Penny then walked back inside the portal.

"Pam stop!"

Guilmon yelled as he ran to chase after Pamela.

"Guilmon no!"

Takato yelled as he went after Guilmon.

"I lost you once before, I'm not gonna lose you again"

He said as he grabbed hold of Pamela but she was fighting back with her ears flat down.

"You have to let me go Guilmon, please"

"Please I'm gonna get sick without you. I love you Pam"

He said as tears trailed down his cheek. Pamela let her tear fall and look at Guilmon as she caress his cheek wiping away the tears.

"I'll be back soon. I promise"

She then look to Tai and Agumon.

"I'll talk to Tiny and Penny. Just take care of Agumon until I return"

Tai nodded as be looked to Agumon who has been kind of dizzy for the last few days. They weren't sure if it was going to work. Pamela then looked to Guilmon.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Pamela then leaned up and gave him a kiss before entering the portal. Guilmon was about to follow but Takato was holding him down until it finally closed. Guilmon whimper as he saw the last place where Pamela used to stand and began to cry. Takato tried to comfort him the best he can, he then looked to Tai.

"You might want to keep a close eye on Agumon before he starts to get a fever"

Tai nodded.

"I know since Penny broken up with him, he's been dizzy for the last few days"

"What a second, I don't understand, what's going on?"

Izzy asked. Tai sigh as he helped Agumon to sit on the grass for he won't be that dizzy.

"Its this bond that two digimons have, once they fall in love they can never separate before if they do then they'll die of a broken heart. And Agumon is already feeling the symptoms for the last few days"

Tai then smiled at the thought and continued.

"I remember when Tiny explain to me that when two digimons comw together from a different type, the female will change into the males type once they fully mate"

"Wait what?"

Davis asked. Takato then explained.

"For example, if an Agumon and Gatomon mate then the Gatomon will also change into a female Agumon"

A union of "ooooohhhhh" came from all the tamers.

"From this point on, we need to try and keep them happy"

Takato said as he petted his crying Guilmon who was laying flat on the grass crying.


Tai said sadly as he saw Agumon staring off into space. He then leaned down and sat by Agumon's side and petted his head.

"Hey Agumon, how are you feeling?"

"I don't....know. It feels like I can't feel anything"

He said but the tears he been holding on came out trailing down his face.

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Digimon Blossom Part 2Where stories live. Discover now