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The twenty four hours have passed and Tiny decided to leave Penny and Agumon locked inside Tai's room, just for they can straighten things out between them and get their strength. Everyone else had left home knowing that everything is going to be okay from here on out. Tai and Tiny were finally together again, Sora and Meiko apologized to Tiny and Tiny apologized to everyone. Now it was the matter of time for Penny to apologize and get back together with Agumon, if there is still a chance.

*In Tai's Room*

Penny began to stir awake when she heard snoring right beside her. She opened her eyes and was surprise to see Agumon sleeping.

'What? But how?'

She thought until she came to realize it was Tiny. Nonetheless she smiled and gratefully leaned up closer to Agumon and licked him on the cheek. With one small lick it caused Agumon to wake up. He opened his eyes and was surprise to see Penny.

"Penny? What are you doing here?"

He asked sitting up, Penny smiled and sat up as well.

"Same thought exactly. It was probably Tiny, the last thing I remember was that I was getting sick and it was getting worser for me"

Penny said.

"Me too, I thought I was going to die"

"You look okay to me"

Penny said looking at him

"Yeah you too"

Agumon said looking at Penny. Until Penny thought for a moment and let out a sigh.

"Agumon I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, for breaking it off between us for my foolishness"

Agumon smiled and placed his claw hand on top of her shoulder.

"Its okay Penny, Pamela had explained it to us. You were just doing it for to protect Tiny, if i was in your shoes then I would do the same thing not start a battle but you know the other thing"

Penny slightly smiled.

"So is everything okay between us?"

Agumon smiled.

"Of course it is but I do have a question"

"What is it?"

"How did we end up getting better together?"

"My best guess is that we were both so close on dying that Tiny had brought me to you and because we still have love for each other it was able to help us get well"


Agumon said. A moment of silence past until Agumon spoke up.

"Do you still love?"

Penny blushed and turn to look at something else.

"Of course I do even after the battle I still loved you but I wasn't being myself. Do you still love me?"

She asked. Agumon leaned close to Penny's face causing her to blush.

"I love you because you are my one and only"


Agumon then closed the distance between them, capturing Penny's lips on his own giving her a loving kiss. After a moment they pulled apart panting. Penny happily jumped off the bed and went to the door and tried opening it but frown.

"What's wrong?"

"The door won't open"

Agumon then took a sniff of the air and hmmm. Penny turn to face him.

"What do you smell?"

"I smell food"

Agumon said as he got off the bed and found the source. Penny and Agumon happily began to eat but unfortunately they were still hungry. Until finally Penny decided to sniff the air and hmmm.

"Now I smell food"

"But where?"

"It's behind the lock door and we can't open it without someone coming to check in on us"

"Awww but I'm hungry"

Agumon said rubbing his stomach. Penny thought for a moment.

"I can climb out the window?"

She suggested but Agumon shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be apart from you anymore, not even for a minute"

Penny blushed with a smile.

"You know sometimes you are just too sweet for words"

She said as she leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips until a growling sounds came from both their stomach.

"I have an idea"

"What is it?"

Agumon took a few steps back from the door and got ready in a charge position. Penny frown slightly.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"Of course I'm strong enough to break through it. Okay ready set go!"

Agumon yelled as he ran charging through the door and actually broke through but fell into the living room floor. Penny ran towards him.

"Agumon are you okay?"

"Did we make it?"

He asked dizzly. Penny smiled and helped him up, she then took a look around and saw a batch of cookies on top of the table. She jumped up on top and began to eat and threw some down for Agumon. Just then the front door open to reveal Tai and Tiny carrying grocery bags.

"Awwww Agumon"

Tai complained as he saw the room to his door having a giant hole.

"We were hungry"

Penny asnswered. Tiny and Tai settled the bags on the kitchen counter. Tiny went to take a look at Penny.

"So are you both feeling better?"

"Good as new"

Penny said with a smile and hop on Tiny's arms giving her a hug.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

Tiny felt a tugging on her dress and looked down to see Agumon.


"I just wanted to let you know that Penny and I are back together again and we don't want to be separated ever again."

Tiny smiled.

"Well isn't that something"

She said just then Tai came and wrap his arm around Tiny's waist surprising Agumon and Penny.

"We are back together again too"

Tai said with a grin. Penny and Agumon happily smiled.

"How about we all celebrate?"

Tiny suggested. Tai nodded in agreement.

"Sure I know a perfect place, let's go for some hamburgers and then we'll take it to the park"


Agumon and Penny said happily together. Tai and Tiny grabbed the things they'll need a blanket and sweater to cover Agumon up while Penny just walked like a normal cat. It didn't take long for them to get the burgers and headed to a more private part of the park for Agumon can roam free.

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Digimon Blossom Part 2Where stories live. Discover now