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Three months have passed and just as promise Tai and Agumon continued to visit the Digital World. Tai and Tiny were getting to know each other more and more and at the same time it was also giving Agumon and Penny some time to reconnect and spend some time alone together.

"How's your family doing?"

Tiny asked as she took a sip of her drink. Tai leaned back on his hands with a smile.

"Everything is going good, Kari is dating Matt's little brother TK"

Tiny opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"Woah! Really, hmmm who would have known?"

She asked with a smile. She then looked up towards the blue sky and Tai was sitting right beside her watching her. He couldn't help but stare and be mesmerized of how the wind blow her hair and how everything right here at this moment just feels right. Tiny turned her head to the side when she felt someone staring at her and smiled when she caught Tai's blushing face causing him to look somewhere else.

"Looks like we have company"

Tai said as he looked towards the distance, Tiny looked towards his direction and saw Penny chasing Agumon who was runnibg straight towards them. Agumon stopped right in front of Tiny panting trying to catch his breathe and Penny was panting beside him but had a worried look on her face. After a moment he looked at Tiny with a serious face.

"Is it true?"

He asked. Penny gently pulled on Agumon's arm.

"Agumon please, you said I could be honest with you..."

"I want to hear it from Tiny"

He said cutting her off. Tiny and Tai were confused on the situation.

"Did Penny start a fire 3yrs ago?"

Agumon finally asked. Tiny looked towards Penny and saw fear in her eyes. Tiny felt bad but she knew she couldn't lie, and nodded.

"H-how? Why?"

Agumon asked.

"Penny was in love with you, so much in love with you that her body was changing to be like one of your kind but she couldn't change because in order for her to do that she needs to mate with the one that she loves. But because of the heart break and anger it cause her to lose control and the flame started. For what its worth Agumon, I would prefer she starts a fire then die of a broken heart, it could have happen either way because of love"

Tiny explained. Agumon and Tai were stunned at the information they never knew about until now. Agumon turn to look at Penny who was staring at the ground sadly.

"You loved me? Even after all that heart break and waiting?"

He asked. Penny nodded not wanting to look into his eyes. Agumon heart soar, he couldn't believe it, Penny still had feeling for for him wait no she was in love with him after all this time. Agumon smiled and grabbed Penny's paws in his, Penny immediately looked up at him in confusion.

"I love you too Penny"

Penny was in shock at the confession and smiled widely and happilybjumped into his arms and kissed him fully on the lips. Agumon happily returned the kiss. They gently pulled apart and left Tai and Tiny alone once again. Tai then looked to Tiny.

"That was something"

"Hahaha yeah, those two are something but despite the distance and time they confessed and that's a good thing"

Tai bite his lip as he saw Tiny pluck a flower from the grass and twirled it om her hand.

'Okay its now or never'

He placed his hand over Tiny's, she looked up at him in confusion as he scoot a little more closer.

"Since Penny and Agumon got together, what does that make us?"



"Best friends?"

Tiny guessed again. Tai chuckled and shook his head.

"I was thinking about the time when we were little kids and the time I gave you that flower"

He said as he grabbed the flower from her hand. Tiny was confused on where he was going with this.


"I thought you were the most beautiful girl and til this day you still are"

He said as he placed the flower on the top of Tiny's ear and in her hair. Tiny blushed at the words. She then notice that Tai was leaning closer to her face but she closed her eyes and pulled away. Tai noticed the movement and pulled back.

"What's wrong?"

He asked.

"Tai, look I like you for a very long time I have but I got my heart broken a long time ago"

"By who?"


Tai raised one eye brow.

"How did I do that?"

"You left before I can even confess"

"B-but that wasn't my fault, it was Sora.."

"Exactly it was Sora. She told me that you and her were together and now that she's with someone, you probably just want to be with me for to get her jealous or use me as a replacement"

Tiny said standing up. Tai quickly stood up.

"That's not true, I would never do that to anyone. She didn't know who to choose me or Matt"

Tiny let out a sigh.

"Tiny I like you okay and I still do, come on how about we give each other a chance and see how it goes?"

Tiny reluctantly shook her head and looked into Tai's eyes.

"How do I know if you're ready for this?"

"I am ready. I don't have feelings for Sora anymore"

Tai let out a sigh of frustration. Tiny let out a breathe of frustration.

"Look okay I know what this is about"

"Really what's it about?"

"You say your ready but your heart says other wise so just..."

Tai closed the distance and immediately pressed his lips to Tiny silencing her. Tiny slowly raised her hands to caress Tai's face. They slowly pulled apart in silence, their hands intertwined between them, leaning their foreheads together. Staring at each other eyes with a gentle smile.

"Okay problem solved"

Tiny said in a gentle whisper enough for Tai to hear.

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