First Time

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Warning Lemon!! Enjoy!

3 months have passed and Tai and Tiny were happily together finally leading into their 8 months of their relationship. Tai and Sora's friendship had become strained since she found out that Tai and Tiny are together but as for everyone else, they were happy for the couple.

Tai and Tiny were in the digital world having dinner at the mansion. It was more like a dinner date, they were alone sitting side by side feeding each other and the dim lights from the candles made it look more into a romantic scene. After dinner, they went to the livingroom where Tai set up the fire and sat beside Tiny, wrapping his arm around her as they cuddle on the couch watching the flame smoke go up the chimney.

Tai smiled as he looked at Tiny with a gentle smile liking the way the fire lights up her face making her look glowing. Tiny turn to look at Tai and blushed when she saw he was staring at her.


She asked lowly. Tai smiled at her.

"You look so beautiful Tiny. I love you"

Tiny blushed with a smile.

"I love you too Tai"

She said as she leaned up tilting her head to the side and her eyes half closed. Tai leaned down as he tilt his head the opposite direction and closed his eyes half way as he gently captured Tiny's lips with his. Their eyes fully closed as they closed the distnace between them. Tiny felt her boyfriend's tongue begging for entrance and she happily let him in. Tai took his chance and deepen the kiss as he swirled his tongue inside Tiny's mouth exploring her mouth.

Their tongues touched and began a battle, as Tai won it caused Tiny to moan as he went more rougher with his tongue exploring her mouth. After a while, they pulled apart panting but satisfied. They opened their eyes as stared at each others eyes with love and lust. Tai then closed his eyes and he brought Tiny into another make out session. It was getting late and Tai and Tiny decided to head to the bedroom.

As they got to the room, Tai gently pushed Tiny down on the bed, she giggled and sat up on her elbow and smiled when she saw Tai remove his shirt.

"Wow, you look hot"

She said lowering her eyes seductively. Tai smirk as he leaned down to hover on top of Tiny.

"You like what you see?"

"Very much"

She said as Tai leaned down to give her a loving a kiss. He then pulled away causing Tiny to try to lean up towards him again causing him to chuckle softly. He then looked into Tiny's eyes with a serious look.

"Tiny, do you want to take our relationship to the next level?"

Tiny bite her lower lip and thought for a second and then blushed as she nodded.

"But just promise me one thing?"

"What's that?"

"After we do it, please don't leave me?"

Tai smiled and kissed her on the lips givving her reassurance.

"I promise Tiny. I'm staying because I love you, not because of what you offer me"

Tiny smiled as she leaned up and kissed him, bringing him down once more on top of her. Her hands began to roam his lean muscular chest causing her to blush as she feels around as her hand went lower to his waist but the pants were in the way. Tai smirk as Tiny let out a small whine when he sat up.

"Just give me a second"

He said as he removed his pants just leaving on some briefs, Tiny then began to remove her dress, leaving onky her bra and her panty on. Tai bit his lip as he leaned over the half naked body underneath him. He trailed his kisses down to the side of her neck. Tiny moaned and turn her head to the side giving him more access.

He then then went lower to her chest and removed her bra, he began licking around her nipple before he sucked on it while his hand played with the other one.

"Ah Tai.... it feels...good"

Tiny moaned as Tai switched to the other nipple giving it the same treatment. He then went lower and remove the panty. Tiny was blushing bright red as Tai went down and spread her legs wide as he began licking her entrance.

"Mmmmm oh Tai"

She moaned as she tighten her hands on the bedsheets. Tai smirk as he heard her moaned his name, he then began sucking on her clit causing her to squirm. When Tiny was distracted, Tai quickly got a bottle of lubricant and a condom. He poured a bit of lubricant on his hand and gently pushed one finger inside causing Tiny to tense up.


Tai looked up at Tiny in concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah it...just hurts"

She said.

"Just hold on okay, its gonna get better"

Tai then began thrusting on finger inside her pussy, then the second and the third finger. Tai stretched his fingers inside Tiny getting her prepared what was about to come. He then pulled his fingers out from his panting girlfriend that was began to shine with a bit of sweat. He sat up to look down at Tiny.

"Here I go"

He said.

"Please be gentle"

Tiny said, Tai nodded as he placed the condom on his cock. He then gently pushed the tip and then fully pushed all the way inside causing Tiny to scream.

"Aaaaahhhh Tai"

Tai was panting from the tight heat surroundings his memeber. He then gently pulled out and thrust back in causing Tiny to scream once more. He pulled out a saw blood coating his member. He smiled at the scene and thrust back in and this time Tiny was moaning. Tai was enjoying the scene watching the way her breast jumps each time he thrust deep inside her and the way his cock gets buried inside her pussy.

"You feel so hot"

Tai said panting. Tiny smiled gently as she enjoyed the feeling of Tai filling her up. She loved the way how Tai's muscles seems to tighten up as he thrust deep with each powerful thrust. She felt like he was splitting her in half and she wouldn't trade this feeling for the world. After a couple of thrusting Tiny and Tai came together screaming each others name. Tai gently pulled out and laid beside her panting. They happily kissed each other and cuddle before falling asleep in each others arms.

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