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A month has passed and Tiny was due any day now. Tai decided to work from home so that way he can keep a close eye on Tiny and the baby. It was in the middle of the night at 3:00am in the morning. Tiny shoot open her eyes. She saw that it was still late at night, she let out a tired sigh as she saw Tai asleep next to her on the bed.

'Why am I awake?'

She thought to herself. She moved a little but when she did Tai started to stir. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Why are you awake Tiny? Are you okay?"

Tai asked.

"I don't know."

She answered.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

Tiny wanted to say something else but pain quickly shoot threw her body. She shut her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

"Tiny, whats the matter?"

Tai asked. Tiny didn't know as her stomach just really hurt and the baby started to kick really hard.

"My stomach it really hurts."

She hissed threw her teeth.

"Stay still. I'm taking you to the hospital."

Tai said. Tiny quickly nodded her head. He immediately jumped off the bed and quickly ran to the door to get the supplies. The pain only seemed to get worse. Tai then came back dressed with a robe and shoes as he helped Tiny to get ready to head to the car, along with Agumon while Penny stayed with her babies.

*30 Minutes Later*

They finally arrived to the hospital, Tiny was panting and groaning in pain as the contraction hits. The nurses immediately attended Tiny and settled her into a room and began to prepare for the procedure. Tai began to call his mom and tell her the news and moments laters the Kamiya family arrived.

"It's Tiny. She woke up telling me her stomach started to hurt."

He told them.

"Go and check on her. She might need you"

Tai's mom said as she nudged him to the room as the rest waited in the waiting room. When Tai got back to the room Tiny sat just laying there on the bed, her eyes shut and her hands clung to the bed sheets. He stood in the doorway feeling helpless.


Tiny quickly shoot opened her eyes, tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Oh good you're here, come and help me off the bed. I want to go home"

Tai tried holding Tiny down.

"Tiny stop the baby is going to be here"

"I am not going to have the baby, it hurts"

"That's part of the pregnancy"

"Well then i'll have it at home"

"Tiny if you go home you will still be in pain. Whether you like it or not the baby is coming out today"

He said sternly

"Indeed it is"

The doctor said from the doorway as he made his way to Tiny.

"Mr. Kamiya I need for you to wait outside."

The nurse said.

"No, please let him stay."

Tiny breathed as she settled once again back on to the bed.

"I'm sorry Ma'am I can not let him stay."

The mood swings began to take its toll.

"If he's not going to stay in here with me then neither am I and if anything happens to me or my baby, I will sue this damn hospital. Now do what I say, let him stay!!"

Tiny shouted as she groaned and panted laying flat on the bed. Tai walked over and knelled down next to the bed, he grabbed Tiny's hand.

"The nurse is right Tiny. But it will be alright, I promise. I will just be right outside this door. I will not be far away from you."

He said

"Just don't go any where."

Tiny said.

"I won't. Even though I'm not right next to you, I am always with you, in your heart. There is no need to worry. I will see you soon and hopefully someone else also."

He said as he leaned down to kissed her on her forehead.

"I need you to leave."

The doctor said. Tai nodded and walked out of the room, closing the doors behind him.

*3 hours later*

For 3 hours Tai paced outside the doors. From inside he could hear Tiny screaming, he was so worried about her, each scream pierced his heart, just to see Tiny in pain put him in pain also. He sat against the wall and brought his legs to his chest and put his head on his knees.

"Tiny, please be ok and let are son be ok as well."

Tai prayed to himself. Kari was walking down the hallway with a cup of coffee in hand and smiled as she saw her brother in a worried state. She then made her way to him and sat beside him.

"Its going to be okay Tai"

Kari said with a comforting smile. Tai let out a sigh and nodded. For about 10 more minutes he waited. Tiny's screams had stopped and he could hear nothing. Slowly the door opened and the doctor and nurse walked out. He quickly stood up and faced him.

"How did it go? Are they fine?"

He asked.

"It went just fine. Both of them are ok. It is a boy if you are wondering."

He said.

"Thank you so much doctor. Can I see them?"

"Yes you can."

The doctor said moving out of the doorway. He slowly walked inside and saw Tiny sitting up in the bed with a baby wrapping in a white blanket in her arms. He smiled as he sat in the chair next to the bed and brought it close.

"How are you feeling Tiny?"

He asked.

"Tired, but it was worth it."

She said as she held on to the baby's small hand. Tai smiled as he looked at his family.

'Just think, I almost lost my chance to see this moment all because of Meiko but I'm glad I put an end with her'

Tai thought as he was broken from his train of thought by Tiny.

"You want to hold him?"

She asked. Tai smiled as he carefully grabbed hold of the baby in his arms. It had his hair and eye color. Tai leaned over and kissed Tiny on the lips.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

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