Meet Meiko

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"Wait you mean it? Its from Tai"

"Of course, he was so nervous about it that he asked me to give it to you personally"

Sora said with a convincing smile. Meiko happily looked at the love letter in her hand from Tai. She then looked at Sora.

"You're not mad about this?"

"Oh no, I actually think you and Tai would make a great couple"



"Okay thank you so much Sora. This actually explains a lot about the long glances he gives me and always making sure I'm okay, and the way he holds my hand, its like if he's my hero"

Meiko said happily and dreamily with a blush holding the letter to her heart. Sora gave her an awkward smile.

"Well, I have to go. You can tell me what the letter says tomorrow"

"Oh okay. Yeah. See you tomorrow"

Meiko said waving to Sora. Sora waved and turn around with a smirk on her face.

'Soon Tiny you will suffer for ever interferring between me and Tai'

She thought angrily as her plan started to take motion all thanks to Meiko who had no idea that the fake love letter is actually from Sora. Meiko happily ran home, holding the love letter tightly. As she finally arrived home, she quickly greeted her mother and ran to her room closing the door. She happily jumped on the bed and began to open the letter.

Dear Meiko,

I'm sorry I couldn't give you this letter in person, so I have Sora give it to you instead because the truth is I'm in love with you. I have since the first day I met you, and I was extremely happy that you were also part of the digidestined because that means we have more time to get to know each other better. I love the way you smile, the way you laugh and the way your eyes shine with hope when all hope is lost. I honestly had no other way on saying this but I truly do love you and I hope you can give me a chance.

Love Tai

Meiko happily closed her eyes and fell back on her bed with a dreamy sigh.

"This is like a dream come true for me"

*Next Day*

"Really it actually says that?"

Sora said with a fake shock. Meiko happily nodded with a blush.

"Now I just need to find Tai and tell him I feel the same way, but I haven't seen him lately. Where is he?"

Sora smirk.

"He's with a friend at the digital world"

"Is this a girl or a boy?"

"A girl but don't worry, she is not with Tai. She is only helping him on giving him advice on how to tell you"

"Oh and how do you know that?"

Sora immediately froze. She was stuck, she wasn't expecting for Meiko to ask that, she quickly thought of a scam.

"Um no hahaha I just assume because he has been spending his time over there and so you know out of nowhere he has this love letter for you"

She said with a nervous giggle. Meiko then happily nodded.

"Yeah, just how do I get there?"

"I can help you"

"But how do I get back?"

"Don't worry Tai's friend Tiny could help you"


"Great so let's get going?"

*30 minutes later*

"Wow this place always amazed me"

Meiko said as she walked around the forest in the digital world.

"Hmmm okay Sora said that I should find a big mansion in the middle of the forest nearby the water."

She said to herself. After a while of walking, Meiko decided to take a break because she felt like she has been walking forever.

"Oh no I think, I'm lost"

Just then she heard the sound of the bushes moving, she slowly backed away from it until a Betamon came out. Meiko smiled when she saw it had a scarf around the leg.

"Hello there"

Betamon looked at Meiko .

"Hello, what are you doing out here?"

"I'm actually trying to find a big mansion by any chance do you know where it can be?"

Meiko asked.

"I'm heading over there now, you can follow me if you want"


After fifteen minutes of walking the big mansion finally came to the view. Meiko was impress of the size and thank Betamon. She then walked towards the back and smiled when she it was Tai who was picking out a flower. Meiko couldn't help but cry as she walked towards Tai. Tai turned his head and was surprise to see Meiko.

"Meiko? Hey, how did you get here?"

"With a help from a good friend. I'm here because...."

Meiko took out the letter and placed it over her heart looking at Tai with love and tears in her eyes.

"Because I wanted you to know that I got your letter"

Tai smiled.

"Oh that's great, it was a surprise for..."

"...For me, I know and I want you to know that I feel the same way"

She said cutting Tai off, he took a step back confused at what she said.

"Wait what?"

"The letter was beautiful"

"Hold on Meiko, I think you got the...."

But before Tai can say anything Meiko wrapped her arms around Tai's neck and kissed him fully on the lips but Tai kept his lips sealed.

"What's going on here?"

Said a voice and Meiko and Tai pulled apart and looked towards the direction of the voice. It was Tiny, Agumon and Penny. Penny took a step forwards standing in front of Tiny and growling at Meiko. Tai walked towards Tiny but stopped when Penny blocked his path.

"Who is she Tai?"

Tiny asked with a flare in her eyes. Tai nervously scratch the back of his head.

"T-this is Meiko a friend"

"Meiko meet Tiny, my girlfriend"

Meiko's eyes open wide in shock, confusion and hurt.

"What is she doing here? And why were you both kissing?"

Tiny asked angrily.

"That's what I want to know"

Penny said angrily

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