Chapter 3 : Your Wolf is Beautiful

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Qing's POV


I watched my mate intently as his little head peeked out from the door and then opened the door widely. He wore a loose white and red maroon stripes shirt and black trousers. His rich chocolate hair had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, that should be illegal. This close, I could see the flecks of silver in those big hazel eyes. His tanned skin and oh God the tear mole under his left eyes just made him hellish sexy. My mate is perfection. I didn't even care that my mate was a male. I wasn't gay, but I'll be gay only for my mate.

As I was standing there staring at this man like I was a love struck fool, my wolf howled loudly in my head. Ajax clawed at me impatiently, he wanted out, marking and claiming our mate right this moment in front of everyone so they know our mate belonged to us and us only.

I had to push my agitated wolf to calm down and to not fucking attack our mate on spot. I closed my eyes, I felt my fangs retracted and I knew I gained my control back. As I open my eyes again, I knew they already changed back into the dark blue orbs that I got from my surrogate mother. My skin was also milky white even though I looked more Chinese like my Dad, who was half chinese. People often told me I looked threatening. So I gave him my best smile, to look less intimidating in front of my love.

"Hello, I'm Wang Qing, Jedd's cousin. Pleasure to meet you." I held my hand to him, but he just looked at it gingerly and bit his lower lip unconsciously. My eyes transfixed on his plump red lips, ripe for me to kiss and nibble on. I felt faint as all the blood rushed straight down to my groin area. My wolf was once more tried to take over, he chanted matematemate mark mate in my head.

Before the pretty man even said anything, a hand tapped my hand harshly, breaking the tension between us.

"Hey Dayu, Happy Birthday! Nice to meet you again! How's life in San Diego?" Jedd pushed me away and went to hug my man. A loud growl escaped my throat. No one could hug my mate as they wished! He was mine! Mine!

My hands clenched into fists, ready to punch Jedd. But before it happened, Jedd let go of my mate and put his hands into air, indicating he surrendered. Then he muttered sorry to me. My mate looked at me with confusion clouded his eyes. And as in cue, Anne stepped forward to hug Dayu for only a second and introduced us straight away.

"Al.. Um I mean, Qing, meet Feng Jianyu, my baby brother. Dayu is his nickname. Dayu, meet Wang Qing, Jedd's cousin."

My sexy mate smiled warily at me and waved his small hand at me, muttering a "Hello". I really wanted to touch him, to feel how his skin felt on mine. But I didn't want to scare this beauty away, so I only said hello again and wished him happy birthday without even trying to touch him.

After that not-so-awkward introduction, we got invited inside. I met Mary, my mate's mother. We ate bunch of things, which for my surprise, prepared by Mary alone. During the dinner, I realized Dayu wasn't that much of a talker. He sat there, eating his dinner while listening to other talking. I also wasn't in the mood to get into conversation. My eyes kept darting back into my mate's direction. And when our eyes met, his face would turn pink like a sweet strawberry. I chuckled at his cuteness.

We moved to the spacious living room after dinner and talked some more. Well, mostly Mary and Jedd who talked. Then they gave Dayu his presents. I mentally banging my head into the wall. I didn't prepare anything for my mate! My wolf whined at this. But then I got an idea! I smirked inwardly.

"Jedd, take Anne and Mary outside or something. I want to talk alone with my mate." I talked to Jedd through mind-link. We have mind-link with every werewolves in the pack.

"Sure Alpha" I heard him snickered. Then he looked at Anne, they must be talking through the mind-link also. Mates also had this ability.

"Mom, I forgot to ask you! Can we stay the night here? It's a hassle for us to go back now." Anne asked her mother.

"Sweetie, you don't need to ask! Of course you guys have to stay the night here! Let me prepare the bedroom first for you guys." Mary said in a cheerful voice and stood up from her seat.

"I'll help you." Anne also went with her. Seeing them gone, Dayu was about to stand up when Jedd held him back and persisted that he would help. Finally there was only the two of us!

I cleared my throat and said, "So I heard about you moving out to San Diego a week ago." He looked at me, again with the confusion in his eyes. Of course, we talked about this before during diner. I mentally slapped myself. Very fucking smooth Wang Qing!

"How does it feel to be working as an art teacher? Don't you feel tired surrounded by 5 years old kids all day long?" I loved kids, but I couldn't imagine to teach twenty over-energized kids at the same time.

"Absolutely not. I love children, they are like little angels." My heart melted into a puddle seeing his genuine smile. I sneakily scooted closer to Dayu's side, trying to touch his smooth skin.

"I see you really like children. Um, hey, I'm sorry I didn't bring you anything for your birthday. I promise I'll prepare something for you." I said while patted his wrist. The feel of his smooth silky skin was way better that I had imagine and the sparkle sparked throughout my body. My wolf and I were in heaven, the feeling to touch our mate was out of this world. And I believed Dayu also felt the sparks, because he snapped his head up as our skin touched.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I tried to act stupid but my face betrayed me. I totally beamed with happiness.

He sighed loudly, "Let's get this straight. What are you actually?" Dayu asked me. He got me dumbfounded with his question.

"Wha-? What do you mean?" A million questions ran through my mind. Why would Dayu ask what am I? I wasn't ready yet. What if he rejected me?

He sighed and took a long breath, then he looked straight into my eyes. "My grandma used to tell me about the mythical and paranormal creature when I was younger. As I grew older, I didn't believe her anymore, they weren't real. It wasn't until my high school prom night, when I accidentally saw two vampire making out and they bit each other, drinking blood from each other's vein like it was the tastiest beverage in the world."

It was the most of Dayu's talking this evening, and that made me stupefied. Dayu knew about paranormal creature? He met vampires?

"And you! I saw your eyes changed from gold to blue this afternoon. You had fangs poking out your mouth and you freaking growled like some animal when Jedd hugged me earlier. Are you a vampire?"

Taken aback was an understatement. I was freaking out. I didn't know my mate was this observant and bold. "No! Dayu, you have to be careful. Vampires are the most brutal creature in this whole world. Did they see you that night?" Werewolves and Vampires had had a bad history. It started centuries ago in the Underworld, where the vampires forced werewolves into slavery, which triggered a war that lasted for thousand of years and we were enemies ever since.

"So, you are saying that vampires are real, but you are not a vampire?" Dayu raised one of his eyebrows. He looked absolutely adorable like that.

"No, of course not." I took a deep breath, looked at him straight in the eyes and dropped the bomb,

"Dayu, I'm a werewolf."

He stared at me silently, while I tried to look calm. Inside, My wolf and I were freaked out. This wasn't my plan on how I would break out the news that I'm a werewolf. We only met a couple hours ago for God's sake! What if he rejected us? Ajax was frantic at the thought our mate rejecting us. He whined like a dejected puppy while pacing around in my mind. Then I heard his beautiful voice said,

"Prove it!"

My eyes widened for a second before I stood up and striped off my clothes. I didn't have spare clothes in here, I didn't want to rip my clothes apart. Then a bone-cracking sound could be heard and I felt the bones moving under my skin as I transformed myself.

I stood now in front of Dayu in my wolf form. He didn't say anything and I couldn't read his expression. We just stare at each other for a long time, until Dayu cracked a sweet smile and whispered,

"Your wolf is really beautiful, Qing."

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