Chapter 6

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Kim Taehyung's Point of View


"Where did Jimin go?" I ask as I fall back into step with Jungkook.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him shrug. "We must've lost him in the crowd."

I sigh, my stomach full from the barbecue we just ate . I felt too tired to try to look to for him. But I know that Jin-hyung will kill me if we return without him. As if we aren't already on bad terms.

"Should we split up and look for him or stay together?" Jungkook questions

I shake my head. "Better to stay together. Don't want to lose you too."

My statement was true but I also wanted to have more alone time with him. Jungkook nods.

"Do you know which way he went?" 

Jungkook hums in thought. "I think he went that way," he says while pointing to the left. "With the other part of the crowd."

I nod. "Let's head that way then."

We walked back the way we came from, waiting for the light to say we can cross. I stare at Jungkook's beautiful hands, wishing I had the courage to hold them. Suddenly, he turns towards me, making my face burn in embarrassment. He doesn't notice.

"Hyung, can I ask you a question?"

I quickly answer, "Go ahead."

He takes a deep breath, "Why did Yoongi-hyung leave?"

I stop walking, an invisible pain traveling from my heart throughout my chest.

The light up ahead turned white, telling us to walk. I quickly went forward to not get stuck at the corner. Jungkook followed behind me.

Once we were on the other side, he spoke. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked."

I smile at him. "It's okay. Maybe I'll tell another day."

He smiles back. "So can I ask you another question?"

I nod my head. "Go ahead."

He stares at me before looking forward, his jaw set, defining his jawline. Jungkook always looked perfect. He seemed like he was carved from stone. His muscles were evident even through the cotton coat he was given. 

I swallow, overwhelmed by my feelings, and look forward.

Jungkook cleared his throat before speaking. "Is it...wrong to like someone who is almost like a sibling to you?"

I blink. He doesn't mean what I think he does, right?

I choose my words carefully. "I mean, don't you have to like someone in order to be friends with them?"

Jungkook sped up and turned so that he was standing in front of me. I stop as well and stare into his dark, determined eyes.

"No...I like."

I gulp. Can he read my thoughts?

No, don't be stupid. He probably means one of the girl angels. There's no way he would like me.

I shrug and walk around him. "There's nothing wrong with it. I mean, you've probably been around them for a long time. You probably know whoever it is well."

Jungkook falls back into step with me and nods, his eyes sparkling. "I do know h- them well."

He looks down and stops walking. I stop again and face him.

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