Chapter 28

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Jeon Jungkook's Point of View

My eyes shoot open to meet a small room. I'm hot and I don't want to lay down anymore. I look around the small room I'm in. It's completely barren except for the bed I'm in.

Suddenly, the walls shift and begin to warp. I groan since the sight was overwhelming and sent pain through my head. I close my eyes only to find the world splashed in various colors once I open them.

"J...Jungkook?" a loud, warped voice asks.

I look up to see multiple Namjoons. I look back at the ceiling, closing my eyes.

"Dude, stop talking so weird," my voice sounds funny. It takes everything in me to not burst out laughing. Several seconds pass before I hear Namjoon again.

" need water," his voice cuts out in the middle. It's weird but everything's too pretty to notice.

My mouth feels dry at the mention of water.

Suddenly, Namjoon's next to me, making me flinch. He helps me up, making my stomach turn and my head fill with sharp pains.

"Ow," I whimper as he walks me into another room. There's a huge screen in this one that displays very bright, neon lights. The floor seems to be splattered in various colors of paint. He sits me down at a long, black table before he walks across the room to what looked like a very messy kitchen.

"Can you turn off that TV? It's too bright."

Namjoon gives me a weird look as he pulls a glass from a slanted cabinet.

"You mean," his voice cut out again." pull the blinds?"

"Blinds?" I question. "Blinds go on windows. Not TVs, dummy."

He shakes his head as he turns his back to me.

It doesn't take long for Namjoon to come back with a glass of green liquid.

"Dude, what is this?" I ask.

"It's...water," for once I can hear him talk in a clear sentence.

"Water? Why is it green?"

"You're hallucinating. The angels gave you weird meds."

I nod. Makes sense. They don't know how to use human medicine right, sometimes.

He places the glass on the table. I stare at it for a few seconds since it seems the cup and table are starting to merge.

"Do you need help?" he asks.

I nod. "I don't know if I can take them apart."

He picks up the glass and helps me drink it. It tastes weird but I assume it's the meds once again. Some of the liquid drips onto my chin since Namjoon was tilting it too fast. I close my eyes since the morphing cup was distracting me.

As soon as the liquid is gone, I heard glass break. I open my eyes to see Namjoon across the room, hugging the wall. I tilt my head and open my mouth to question it but freeze once I see him punch it several times.

"I did what you said! Why don't you just go away!"

Namjoon puts his head between his knees. The world starts to swim, moving back and forth.

"Hyung...I don't feel good."

Suddenly, he stands up. "There's a bathroom over there," he points to my right.

He exits the room without another room.

"Hyung!" I yell, standing up. I grab my stomach since it feels like something wants to make its way out. I run in the direction of the bathroom, stumbling until I find the toilet. Then, the stuff inside me finds its way out. After what feels like forever, I hear loud footsteps come from behind me.

"Jungkook," it's Yoongi's voice. "You're," his voice cuts out, "into a demon."

I get the urge to yell at him but another wave of vomit rushes forward. I feel him place a hand on my back and gently pat me.

"Go away!" I yell, pushing him back. I cough several times before throwing up again. I hear his footsteps slowly retreat.

After a couple of minutes, I fall onto the floor. I feel weak and the room feels too hot. More and more colors fill the room. Some actually come out of the walls and floors to travel across the room. I hear a loud bang from far away.

I spend a couple of minutes enjoying how the wisps of colors felt around me until I notice the walls were cracking. I look down at the floor to trace a large one that had formed. I smile at how bumpy it felt.

Then, a white light slowly starts to fill the room. I reach my hand out to touch it only to see that my hand's starting to fade away. My hand disappears and soon my arm, my chest, and my-

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