Chapter 22

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Kim Taehyung's Point of View

"Taehyung. How many times do I have to tell you that you cannot hide here?"

I look up to see a familiar head of long dark brown hair and light brown eyes. My heart eases slightly.

Her name is Tyang. She's like a mother to me. I met her when I was little and was hiding in a vent I had found in the communication wing. No one ever looked for me here. Sometimes she would help me hide and other times she would lecture me about how I should face my problems instead of hiding from them.

I look away from her and hug my knees tightly. She notices my discomfort and kneels close to me.

"What is the matter?"

Tears cloud my vision as I shake my head.

" is better to let out your emotions than keeping them in."

My voice is shaking when I answer. "I hurt him. It was by accident but still, I hurt him. And all I could do was run away. I don't even know if he's okay."

My tears trail down my cheeks and a sob makes its way out of my throat.

Almost robotically, Tyang pulls my head to her shoulder. I lightly wrap my arms around her as my tears soak her shirt. Tyang was a pure angel, meaning she didn't feel many emotions. Still, she provided comfort until my tears had stopped.

There was a beeping sound from the computer behind her making us both look up. She stands up and checks the computer. I sniffle as I wipe the wetness from my face.

Tyang gasps, making me look up. She looks at me with wide eyes.

"I-Is this you?"

I furrow my eyebrows and make my way over to the screen she was looking at.

My breath hitches in my throat at the picture below me. It was of me stabbing a human man. The way it was took made me seem like I was killing him for no reason. My eyes look like they belonged to an animal. My hand was tightly holding onto the broken bottle which was lodged in the man's stomach. My mind quickly recalls the memory.

Lightning flashes in the sky, quickly being followed by thunder. I pull my hood higher as I walk along the sheltered sidewalk.

Ah...where are you hyung?

There was a scream as I pass an apartment building. The scream quickly turns into cries for help.

The human in me itches to check it out but the angel decides against it.

"Please stop! Please, someone, help!"

I roll my eyes and finally agreed with human me. I run up the stairs until I reach the door the screams were coming from.The screams were silenced by a crashing sound. I put my hand on the door and found it unlocked. Once I open it, I can see a girl being slapped by an older man.

My human emotions take over as I look around for some kind of weapon. The only things I can see are bottles scattered on the floor. I pick one up.

I guess this will work.

Instinctively, I hit it against the wall, making the glass wickedly sharp.


I run towards the man. He's busy pushing the girl to the side until he notices me at the last second.

He lets out a long gasp as I sink the glass into him. I stare him in the eyes as the light leaves his. He falls to the floor. I turn to face the girl, blood literally on my hands.

"You monster!" I'm slapped back to reality.

I clutch my face as I step back from Tyang.

"You have...comitted a sin. You do not deserve to be in heaven."

I cower in the corner as Tyang stands tall above me. Something in her eyes softens and she sighs.

"You can hide here until they find you. Those pictures were sent as an urgent message to every angel in heaven."

She turns around and walks towards the door.

Tyang pauses before she shuts the door behind her.

"Goodbye, Taehyung."

I shrink back into the vent and close it. I bring my knees back to my chest.

Why, when things are at it's best, things always come crashing down?


Almost forgot to update. I haven't had internet all day.

Do you think it was right for Taehyung to intervene? Or was it wrong for him to do what he did?

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!

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