Chapter 8

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Min Yoongi's Point of View

Beep! Beep!

"Hey! Get out of the way!"

I glare at the owner of the small silver car while I continue to walk the same pace across the street.

I turn onto the sidewalk, scoffing when I hear the driver cursing as he speeds off.

I stare at the Reaper's Cauldron in a distance. Sasin is suppose to meet me here to tell me the second part of the mission I was given.

The first part was to locate an angel named Eros. In the file I was given, it stated that he was the angel that nursed me back to health. I don't remember much from when I fell. It's all a painful blur wrapped in the hatred for the man I thought was my brother.

I stop, being pulled from my thoughts when I see a familiar head of silver hair leave the bar.

My heart beat faster and I start to chase his figure which had walked to the back.

"You know, you're not allowed to see him," I hear from on top of the bar.

I look up at the annoying demon in front of me.

Her hood was down, revealing her red eyes and her small pointed nose. Her curly blonde hair moved with the wind as she looked down at me with a sneer.

I roll my eyes with a heavy heart and shove my hands into my pockets.

"Why is he here?"

Sasin shrugs and reaches into her pocket to pull out a white container. Her contacts. "Not sure. Siren just told me that he was looking for me," she say while twisting the lid off.

I glare at her as she put them on. "If you lay a finger on him-"

She laughs, cutting me off. "And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I will kill you if you hurt him. Got it?"

She stares at me for a second before shrugging again. "As if you can. Now stay here. I have business to attend to."

The clouds cover the sun and Sasin vanishes.

I sigh, an uneasy feeling making its way into my stomach. Why Jimin come here? And how does he know Sasin? Something isn't right.

I groan, knowing I might get in trouble, and make my way around the building. I step into the opening and gasp once I see Jimin. Quickly, I hide behind the wall and quiet my breathing. I  hope they didn't see or hear me.

"It's Yoongi."

To me? What's for me?

" you're his boyfriend. Y'know, he never shuts up about how he misses you."

I mentally groan. That only happened when I was drunk. But...I do miss him. A lot.

"Will you please just give it to him?"

"I will. But, only if you pay up."

Pay up? What is she doing?

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