Chapter 30

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Min Yoongi's Point of View

I gasp as I'm finally able to break Siren's spell. I look around the white room I'm in. It's a weird room since most walls in hell were painted a dark color. This is where I was supposed to connect Jimin to a simulation thing to get him the information out of him.

I wasn't supposed to be put under a spell. At the last second, I doubted if I could do this to Jimin. The simulation would've put him in a lot of pain. In the end, I decided I couldn't. Because of that, Siren cast the spell on me. He didn't want his plan to fail.

I stand up and run out of the room. I need to find Jimin before they do. I decide to check the room Sasin put Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook in. Maybe they found him and he's in there.

I reach the door and slam it open. I'm about to yell Jimin's name until I heard the sounds of retching coming from the bathroom. Cautiously, I walk in to see Jungkook hunched over the toilet. He breathes heavily as he stops for a second, catching his breath.

I got a glimpse of what's inside the toilet. It's a silver substance, a weird color for vomit.

My eyes widen as I realize what's happening. "Jungkook. You're turning into a demon."

He turns around and glares at me. His pupils were dilating and were starting to take over his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it. He curls over the toilet again to hurl up more of his grace. I step forward and place a hand on his back. I begin to pat him gently as I recall the pain of my grace rejecting my body. Suddenly, he pushes me back. I fall over since I wasn't expecting him to do it.

"Go away!" He yells, coughing several times before he starts to puke more.

Of course. Why would he want my comfort when I'm the one who won the heart of Jimin?

I slowly step back.

Thinking of Jimin, shouldn't I be looking for him? Right. He's obviously not here. If he was, he would be in here with Jungkook.

I close the bathroom door softly and run out of the room. I run down hall after hall. Calling and looking for Jimin in every room and corner. I can't find him.

I stop when I hear a loud bang. Tons of cracks fill the room, making it look like it was about to break. I panick and open the door closest to me. I shut it behind me, knowing that it wouldn't stop whatever's going on. I step back slowly, my chest falling up and down rapidly.

Is Jimin okay?

Is he hurt?

Will I be able to see him again?

My thoughts stop as I bumped into something. I turn around and look down to see a piano. I reach down and play the key. I remember the note to be a G.

One of the first things human things I had been introduced to was music. By Hoseok, of course. While I was on Earth, I learned how to make music. When I was down there, or technically up now, I wrote a song I wanted to play for Jimin.

I sat down on the bench and rested my hands on the keys, ready to play the song.

As I play, a white light fills the room. I expect it to engulf me as soon as it enters but it stops, as if wanting me to finish the song before it swallowed me like the rest of the room.

A tear falls down my cheek as I play the last key.

I hope I will see you again, Park Jimin.

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