Chapter 9

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Jeon Jungkook's Point of View

"Haha! Hyung you fell again?"

Jimin looks up at me with a pout. My old feelings for him sends a pang through my heart. 

He never loved you, Jungkook. He loves Yoongi.

My eyes flash to Taehyung as he materializes before us. The sight of him sends my sadness away. I look in the area of his wings but he was already tucking them in. I try to think back to the color and shape of them. When was the last time I saw his wings?

Taehyung looks down at Jimin with an amused look. He let out a short laugh before stretching his hand out for him to take.

"Gosh, Jimin. You've been so clumsy lately."

Jimin smiles, one that doesn't reach his eyes. "I've been really tired lately. I'm gonna go work out and maybe train a bit. Wanna join?"

Taehyung shake his head  "Jungkook and I need to go find Jin-hyung. He needed to tell us something about new training routines for us."

I gave Taehyung a confused look. Training routines? When did Jin tell us to do that?

Jimin nods and begins to walk away.

Taehyung grabs my shoulders, sending shocks through my body and begins to push me forward. "If it's nothing too important, we'll come to get you, 'kay?"

"'Kay. See ya later!" Jimin calls behind his shoulder.

Taehyung turns us down the hall, the warmth of his hands seeping into my arms.

"Wait. When did hyung say he had to see us?"

"He didn't."

I tilt my head, even more confused.. "So why-"

"I wanted to show you something."

"Show me something?"

Taehyung smiles. "Yeah. Come on this way!"

He grabs my wrist and leads me down the hallways. Suddenly, he turns right and  abruptly stops. He bumped into someone.

Taehyung rubs his head and looks up to see who it was. I feel his grasp tighten around my wrist.

"S-Sorry," he stutters.

I blink. I've never heard Taehyung stutter.

I look around Taehyung and see Hoseok.

I beam. "Hi hyung!"

Hoseok smiles tightly. I could tell something was wrong.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

He begins to nod but he stops, staring at the both of us.

"Can you two come with me?"

I nod. Taehyung continued to hold on to my wrist tightly. I pull my hand down to hide it from hyung.

"Why?" Taehyung finally answers with a harsh tone.

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