Chapter 8: Rewards

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Chapter 8: Rewards


"Hey! Somebody stop this guy!"

"We're gonna get caught up as well!!!"

"Run for it!"

Lucas woke up hearing bustling noises from all around him.

When he tried to get up to see what it was, a pang of pain headache hit him so he wanted to rub his forehead. That's when he noticed it, his right arm was there.

He furthered inspected his body, right hand...check, left foot...check, left hand......left hand....

"M-my left hand....."

No matter where he looked, he could no longer see his left hand. This confirmed it, he was still in the game.

He then noticed his surroundings, he was in a familiar room, this was the room Sebastian had offered him before, which meant he was in his house.

Getting out of bed despite the renewed balance of regaining his left foot, he went out of the house to see what the ruckus was all about earlier.

"Get out of my way! Or I won't hesitate to burn you as well!"

"Please wait for a second Master Denneth, we still have to question these fools before killing them."

Lucas saw a familiar black dragon standing majestically in the center of the village and Sebastian facing each other, what's more, he saw robbed figures behind Sebastian tied in chains that glowed blue slightly.

"Excuse me, what is this all about?"

"Ah, Lucas. So you've finally awoken."

"Boy...fine, we'll talk first. But I get to kill them."

Noticing Lucas, both Sebastian and Denneth calmed down. At first, Lucas was wary of Denneth but it seems it was unnecessary.

He walked further closer to them as he stares at the robbed figures, they all wore the same robes with a familiar eye logo on the back feeling that he had saw them before somewhere.

"Ah yes, these guys are the demi-vampires that were supposed to...kidnap my daughter."

" I see..."

"Boy, how are you feeling?"

Denneth moved his head closer asking Lucas.

He was still not used to talking to a real dragon so Lucas was a bit hesitant.

"Well...aside from my left hand, I feel fine."

"...I'm sorry Lucas, when we were retreating, I only managed to retrieve your right arm and left foot...your left hand is already burned so...."

"I am also sorry for that."

"N-no it's fine, it was my weak hand anyway."

Perhaps only now noticing that he's being called Lucas by Sebastian, or because the leader of the pure blooded vampires and a dragon is bowing in front of him, Lucas was a bit nervous as he answered.

"So...what exactly happened after I was unconscious?"

Sebastian and Denneth looked at each other first then started their story.

"When we were...counting our losses as we retreated, Denneth here came to our village."

They were cautious at first and kept their guard up until Denneth spoke. Denneth told them how he was being controlled from the inside and spat the demi-vampire and Lucas out. After seeing Lucas, Sebastian immediately ordered to connect his limbs before it was too late. As for the demi-vampire, since he was already dead, they stripped him off his equipment and burned the corpse.

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