Chapter 8: Alliance

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Chapter 8: Alliance

"T-third world you say? What..." (Bram)

Right after I announced the existence of the third world, everyone's faces displayed shock, disbelief, amazement, fear, unease, surprise, doubt, delight, excitement, and many more. All these complicated emotions appearing in one have no idea how amazing it looks like.

At the corner of my eye, I see Trask, the Drachedge Prince, the Archbishop, and everyone from [Sennerth] displaying a somewhat mischievous grin.

"Haha, I'm sure you're all confused right now. Since everyone has gathered, we would like to introduce ourselves first and how Lucas here came to our world." (Sennerth Human King)

The rest showed dissatisfied faces but since they are all very much curious about how it was possible for another world to have come about, they all nodded and went back to their seats as did I.

While I get back to my seat with a satisfied face, I saw Mare beside Eu winking at me. As Eu's secretary and friend, she also came to this conference.

Afterwards, I felt an intense glare piercing at me...naturally it came from Aeran, Aleris, and Eu.

Sighing, I directed my attention to Aleris father as he tells my story.

"Our world is called [Sennerth]. At the moment, we here only represent one continent. I'm afraid that aside from our continent, we have never seen another due to the dangerous seas surrounding our continent. Our continent is divided into four kingdoms. The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and the Demons. For a very long time, the Humans, Elves, and Dwarves coexist as we wage wars to the Demons...that is, until a few weeks ago." (Sennerth Human King)

Everyone listened attentively to the sole standing person, the [Sennerth] Human King, and could not help but wonder why the Demons have come with them if they were in conflict.

"That time, the Elves and Dwarves were pushed into hiding and we Humans can only defend bitterly. So we were left with no choice. We tried to summon a [Hero]." (Sennerth Human King)

At the side, both the Elf King and the Dwarf King sighed as they can't help but recall the past. Where they can't do anything but hide.

Meanwhile, murmurs came about in every direction, seemingly trying to figure out what has happened.

"That's right, the [Hero] that was summoned was none other than Lucas." (Sennerth Human King)

"This I can assure you. The reason was most probably because Lucas gained a [Hero] title, the [Light Hero shrouded by Darkness] was granted upon him by an oracle of our [Church]." (Archbishop)

"I can also testify this as I myself had seen Lucas' status. Perhaps having a [Hero] title is one of the requirements to be summoned." (Trask)

Conversations began everywhere as they tried to process the new information.

"So you're saying, that if I gain a [Hero] title, then there is a possibility that I will be summoned?" (Bram)

"Probably. I think it also depends on what kind of a hero the summoner needs you to be. Or it may be possible for there to be a completely different requirement like maybe, a job, class, race, maybe even your name." (Lucas)

As the main subject of the talk, naturally, I was the one who replied.

Hearing what I said, most of the people here began to think that there may be a possibility for another world to exist and that another hero may have been summoned.

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