Chapter 10: Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter 10: Calm Before the Storm

"Ok, ok...wait wait wait...what did my uncle do exactly? I mean David. Not my uncle." (Lucas)

Damn, I slipped.

"Uncle? Did you say that he's your uncle!?" (Mei)

"No no no no. Actually, I don't know him at all. We have no relation whatsoever so he cannot possibly my father's brother whose mind is only in martial arts and went missing. Definitely not him." (Lucas)

"...Just who are you fooling here!?" (El)

"Anyway, what happened?" (Lucas)

"'s a story everyone knew that happened around 1000 years ago." (Mei)

As Mei told the story, the more I began to understand what happened in the past.

As it turns out, years ago, this continent is being overrun by deities. The [Mortal Continent] is where few of the deities start off. Most deities are born in the lands beyond and as their parents are both deities, they have more talent than people born here.

However, the few who can transcend to a deity in this continent are mostly people who became powerful or significant figures in the lands beyond.

So one deity thought, why wait for a genius to be born when I can simply control the [Mortal Continent] and groom them myself?

Hence started the war of the deities to control the [Mortal Continent]. This event was called [War of the Gods] in the history books.

This resulted to the continent being overrun by deities and this caused the mortal wars to be warped into a war that's far beyond that of a mortal's.

As deities, they are more than just powerful for the people in the [Mortal Continent], they are simply gods!

Though this indeed helped to make them more powerful, only a few are able to be under a deity, most are simply thrown aside and left to rot.

Then he came along. David Lauwers.

With him and a person called Lin, they swept the continent with their might and threw the deities away from the continent!

"The land of the mortals only belongs to mortals! The land of the gods only belongs to gods! Gods aren't meant to live with mortals! And mortals aren't meant to live with gods!" (David)

With this shout that resonated throughout the [Mortal Continent] and the lands beyond, David began to guard the border of the [Mortal Continent] and the lands beyond.

When a mortal transcends, he sends people to them immediately in order to send them to the lands beyond. When a mortal wishes to cross to the lands beyond without transcending, he pushes them back.

As for those mortals who are born in the lands beyond, he does not care at all since he knows that they will soon transcend. For them who are born from deities, they are already meant to become a deity. It is simply a matter of time as said by El.

"...So it was like that..." (Lucas)

"This uncle of yours is truly overbearing. However, it seems he is only a peak Highgod at most. After all, he didn't even notice when a Sovereign entered this continent." (El)

"Haah, he has always been this stubborn..." (Lucas)

"But this is good too. At least, with him around, you had it easy in this continent. Else, you would be constantly dragged into wars of the deities. And trust me, for a mortal, that is simply not good." (El)

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