Chapter 5: Beware the Clown!

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Chapter 5: Beware the Clown!

"Lord Jack, sorry for the wait. Everyone is done splitting the loots!"

"Hm? Ah, alright." (Lucas)

For a moment there, I forgot that I called myself Jack while in this Jester suit.

I also finished telling El my stories as well. Not like I'm hiding it anyway.

First of all, she's stuck inside me.

Second, there are goddamn movies about it in my world after all...

I bet that this adventure will also be turned into a movie. But before that, I guess I should cut some parts...especially what I do during the night.

Standing up, I called everyone to gather in front of me.

"Are you all from [Ziyou City]?" (Lucas)

"Yes milord. We were all slaves of the [Fork Lion Group] and were asked to accompany them while they capture demonic beasts..."

"Us males were in charge of labor while the females..."

"Ah, no need to say it. I think I already understand the situation." (Lucas)

Since they are all from [Ziyou City], I told them about my plan of going there and raiding the [Fork Lion Group's] hideout.

I also showed them that I can transform into that bastard Ras so I can enter easily and that they need to act properly at the time.

Hearing my plan, they were all elated. As it turns out, some of their friends and family are also slaves I that company so they're happy that they can also be free.

Hence, we started our journey after having rested.

They said that in our current location, it's possible to reach [Ziyou City] in a day which made me happy.

Finally, I can see what a city in this world is like!

Along the way, us humans and demonic beasts traveled together.

At first, the others were afraid of the demonic beasts that aren't chained and distanced themselves.

However, as they saw me and Wargon seemingly chatting like friends, their tension gradually loosened up and they also got close to some demonic beasts.

If other people from this world were to see such a sight, they would probably think that they're hallucinating.

Because to them, demonic beasts are synonymous to monsters. Who would want to befriend a monster?

If it was still a young one, then perhaps it's possible. But to befriend a mature demonic beast? That's just asking to be eaten.

Dinner arrived, I cooked for the lot using the meat that the slave traders had in stock.

It's been a while since I cooked for so many people and monsters so I went all out. Last time, it was also for a pack of monsters as well...I wonder if I have some kind of charm to monsters?

Nah, probably the food.

"So good!"

"Damn! You cook better than my wife!"

"What is this!? How can there be such good food!?"

"This...this is a food for the heavens!"

"Such heavenly taste!"

And so on...

Seriously...these guys are exaggerating way too much.

It's not like it's that delicious right?

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