Chapter 7: This is Where it All Ends...

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Chapter 7: This is Where it All Ends...

In a world far yet close from reality, a figure sat in a middle of a room with an infinite number of monitors.

These monitors all view certain beings, certain events, certain places, certain worlds, certain times periods, and certain realities.

Each monitor contains red transparent wires, connected to other monitors, some branching off to multiple ones, some joined, some crisscrossed, some intertwined. All in all, these transparent red wires created a sort of mysterious ambiance to the room.

People call these red wires in different names in different worlds and tongues. However, each of them, in the end, is the same thing.

The [Red String of Fate].

As for why the red string of fate exists in this room, of course, that is because the figure that sat in the middle of all of this is Fate himself.

"Huhuhuhu" (Fate)

Fate chuckled as he watched a certain white haired, red eyed person in one of the monitors. This was none other than Lucas!

Fate stretched out his hand and touched a red string connected to Lucas and plucked it like a string from a guitar.

"Huhuhuhu. Lucas, oh Lucas. You can't escape from [Fate]~" (Fate)

Fate's lips curled into a smile that stretched from ear to ear, giving off an ominous kind of feeling to whoever saw it.

Suddenly, he turned his head to one side.

"Now, dear readers. Let's all enjoy the show shall we? Huhu huhuhu~" (Fate)

+ + +

As Lucas ran forward with all his might, inside him, El suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Why is Lucas acting like this? He's not thinking straight!" (El)

Before, El didn't notice anything wrong when Lucas freaked out as he saw the vision of his own death, because to El, death is really the end of the road.

However, she recalled that Lucas had told her what happens when he dies. She didn't know the specifics but, she thinks that if Lucas dies, he will be sent to that special hospital or prison.

Only, who decides when one is innocent or not?

Lucas himself has killed plenty of people. Sure, they're not good people, but it was still murder.

If he only gets sent to the special hospital, then he'll only be gone for a while, but if it was in the special prison...

Nevertheless, he won't truly 'die'.

So why was Lucas panicking so much?

"Could it be?..." (El)

El's eyes lit up as she reached a possible reason.

"Only special people have the ability to see the future, this is because they are innately born with an understanding of the Dao of Fate. To them, it was simply 'observing' the future but is it possible for him to see that vision upon contact as well?" (El)

The Dao, or in other words, 'The Way'.

The dao is a certain level of understanding a person has. When a master swordsman understands the sword to some extent, he will embark in the 'Way of the Sword', the Sword Dao.

Regarding this, however, one will need a powerful soul and certain enlightenments on the Dao which only few can reach.

Reaching it, means the person has started the path of a [Sovereign].

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