Chapter 9: Peace

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Chapter 9: Peace

"I-it's happening again!" (Eude)

In front of Eude was the [Hero] turning into a [Monster].

The shiny white mithril again turning into a demonic pitch black once more.

Let's go back to a few hours ago, Eude had met the [Hero] once more, face to face. He was surprised when the [Hero] told them that the monsters were tamed by him, more so that the child with him is a [Spirit].

To humans, [Spirits] are close to myths, legends, fiction, the type you tell to your kids when telling bed time stories.

To see an actual [Spirit] and actually meet like this, Eude's respect for the [Hero] grew more.

But the other woman the [Hero] came with was entirely different.

In fact, Eude's respect had almost plummeted to the bottom as soon as he heard the [Hero] say that she is the [Demon Queen].

He was about to draw his blade but listened to the [Hero] first.

When he said that there is a meaning behind this, that there's a story to all this, Eude calmed down a bit.

He still didn't believe in him just yet.

There's a chance that he may be brainwashed or some sort.

The [Hero] told Eude to trust him.

Eude looked at him in the eye. Even if the [Hero] was wearing a helmet, he can still see his eyes.

In it, there was uncertainness, unease, fear, but there was also resolve.

Eude had interrogated criminals in the past, some were brainwashed, some were not. The brainwashed often has no such emotions when looking at them in the eye.

"He isn't brainwashed..." (Eude)

But that doesn't mean that he's not on their side.

There's not much time, the [Hero] said this himself, and Eude knows this as well.

They're wasting a lot of time just talking here already.

Eude decided to keep watch of him and nodded.

"The demon queen doesn't look like she'll attack us just yet...let's see how this will turn out...after all, we can't possibly fight the monsters, the [Hero] and the demon queen all at the same time." (Eude)

But soon, that train of thought was immediately destroyed.

Just looking at the [Hero] give commands to his monster army and the spirit and the demon queen, Eude was convinced that he's really here to help.

After all, most of his commands are to rescue the soldiers instead of defeating the monsters.

Eude also feel that his is wise to entrust the instructions of the soldiers to Eude instead of him.

After all, Eude was indeed more fit for that job as he knew more about them than the [Hero].

Not only that, but seeing him fight, Eude knows that they were dead weight to him. He realized how powerful the [Hero] was when he was fighting alone before.

Back then, they were even told to retreat if they didn't want to get caught up in the crossfire, Eude thought that was stupid and was about to join him but stopped as he saw how he fights.

Eude made the decision and had the soldiers retreat to safety instead of fighting the monsters.

Sure enough, after everyone had evacuated, the [Hero] also gave the same order to his monster army and the demon queen.

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