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how it end>>>

So, after the zombie appocalypse arc, Lucas gains a new body which can absorb different materials in order to strengthen his physical body. At this point, Lucas has three bodies

Earth body: Has OP healing powers and higher cultivation.

Harus body: Has OP skills, Dragon arm, Metallic arm, Dragon's Wrath, Hero prophecy, and OP control on the five elements.

Earth-2 body: Has OP fleshy body.

One day this will all merge. Probably in the how I imagined it to be.

Then, the next arc will be battling the demi-vampires. You'd think that at this point, Lucas is sooo OP that he will only wave his hand and all demi-vamps will die right? Well, no. The Vampire Lord class demi-vampire, Allucard, had somehow gotten a [World Key] in an earlier date without their knowing and has been absent since. Which was why the demi-vvampires didn't seem to make any counter attacks.

But, by the time Lucas got back to his earth, Allucard got back with 10 Vampire Lord class demi-vampires.

Turns out, Allucard and his minions was in another world which is comparable to [Zoulang]. A cultivation world with a different cultivation system. Allucard's cultivation is currently higher than Lucas while the 10 minions were just a bit weaker than Lucas. Allucard called himself the [Vampire God] and his minions, the [Vamprie Emperors] and begun their reign of terror to all worlds.

Allucard cultivated a demonic cultivation which steals other people's life force by drinking their blood and has only grown even stronger when the slaughters began.

Err, somehow, Lucas defeats him...Yeah, I haven't really thought much to it...probably gonna Dragon's Wrath to the MAX again where he loses himself and Freya brings him back to sanity...

Well, anyway...after that is another arc which will focus on Eu.

She had learned a forbidden skill called [Call of Calamity] which had turned her from the [Demon Queen] to the [Calamity Queen]. The skill is somewhat similar to Dragon's Wrath where if she uses too much, she will forever be the [Calamity Queen] whose every step makes the earth quake, volcanoes erupt, oceans overturn, mountains split, heavens rendered, that kind of thing.

Her losing control nearly brought an end to the world. But Lucas found out that the [Call of Calamity] gets its power by borrowing the weight of the world, shouldering everything on your body, and if you're unable to shoulder it, it comes out of your body in the form of calamities.

Hence, Lucas decided to shoulder the weight together with Eu yada yada...still haven't thought of details here...and viola, Lucas began to shelter the calamities of the world inside his body. Well, half of it I guess?

After that is uhh, Aeran's arc? I guess?

They still haven't figured out who poisened her in the first place and her true backstory so they unravel that here...somehow...Lucas becomes a Lesser Elemental God here by fully being in control of his 5 elements. At the same time, he also broke through the Sovereign Realm which is the True God realm...I know the details to this but's too long and I'm too lazy to describe it for now...

Finally, he brings El back, and they wreck havoc in [Zoulang] and Lucas gains another harem...his relationship with Mei also advances here? I guess? Probably?

Then some Lily arc. Still haven't figured out what will happen here. But Lucas begins to sculpt a world and use Texture Painting on it, as well as use his elemental powers. Hence, creating a real world. Now, he came a God of Creation where he is now able to make worlds from his sculpting and painting.

He makes a candy world, just to see if he can, and he did. Somehow, Lucas and Lily's relationship develops...somehow...

Then Steph's arc where Lucas helps her conquer the underworld criminals...somehow..but I guess being a God, this is too easy for him...probably...maybe there was supposed to be a twist here?

After that is Aleris' arc. At this point, Lucas' enemies are also Gods. Aleris, being a demi-god, gets caught up in these fights and Lucas saves her yada yada etc etc...

You probably noticed but the details have really thinned down as the story progresses...cause I really haven't thought about them much at this point. Only the basic stuff.

Let's see...what am I still missing?

Oh, right. The [Tree of Life] that uprooted itself, turned into a loli, and ran away...uhh, I feel like this should probably be earlier...ehh, no. I guess it's fine here since his enemy here is [Death] which even Gods fear.

Yes, Death. Remember that uhh thingy where they saw Death holding someone hostage? Well that hostage is the tree loli who has become an Undead Treat of still in progress. Well, Death fell in love with her. Being a tree of life / undead and all, but of course, she doesn't feel the same way so she was abducted...probably a plot hole here but whatever...anyway. The only image in her head is the person who had brought her back to life by planting the [Seed of Life] on her, Lucas...and yeah, you probably know it already but she becomes part of the harem.

Being a loli and her affinity with plants, there's a lot of comedy scenes with her and Aeran. Which is mostly Aeran feeling her character is being stolen or something.

Oh, and the other kid, the Maize girl...yeah, that won't go well so she's out og the harem I guess? Somehow?..............orz

What else...uhhh. Oh, and at some point, I was thinking of Lucas being accidentally summoned again. But this time, in a very weird know that cellphone games where you summon a card, or gacha a hero or something? ANd you build a deck/team, go on a quest, and use your deck/team to battle. Those kinds of games? Well, I was thinking a world where those are real. Kinda like that kid anime called uhh...Dragon...something? I forgot. Anyway, the summoned heroes in their phones can be brought to real life and they use those to fight. Like pokemon or digimon I guess?

So, a girl...yes, a girl...I can't help it...anyway, a girl was being bullied. Said that she can't summon a useful monster and in a stroke of luck, she summoned that...though at first, she was still ridiculed by summoning a human, which was obviously weaker than monsters. probably already guessed how this goes.

But, there are also unique features in that world. That is, you can stregthen your monsters by fusing different materials. Like the ones in the games. Needlesss to say, Lucas got even more powerful.

The story is about 4/5 done by now.

After that is some other stories I still haven't thought of.

Then the last volume. Crow comes back.

He and Lucas fought and the prophecy from before is played again.

In the end, with the power Crow got from [Hell], he used the [Hell's Punishment Rain] on Lucas, which is a white (yes, contrary to being a Hell's punishment, the color is white...) colored lightning that pored down in a huge area. Lucas, in order to save everyone, took all the damage himself.

And died.

The end!

And that's that. You might think that I revealed too much but. The reason I made three books is because, before, I wanted to write a reincarnation story and a time travel story but I didn't want to make a different story. Now, I started to write different stories so I no longer want to do it like this.

So, the rewrite won't be a threelogy anymore and just one whole story. So, there are no more Lucas II, or Fate, or whatever. The whole childhood sweetheart will probably not happen...maybe...but there will still be a parallel world of Earth. Cause, well, I just want to.

Which means, the rewrite's story would be vastly different from this one, but I will still keep a bit from it. The details may also change on those storyline I'll be keeping.

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