Untitled Part 114

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Let's rewind time for a bit, back when the two Miis separated from Lucas. Right there, now...pause.

Time stilled and the image of a violet haired Mii consoling the black haired Mii also stopped as well. Even Mii-2's tears quietly floated in midair without the slightest trace of movement.

However, not everything stood still.

At some unknown time, a figure quietly walked behind the two Miis.

This person had black hair with bits of white, a familiar yet aged and mature face, and a shining white sword on his hands.

This person is none other than Lucas II. The future Lucas who had gone back in time to pave his past self a way to become him in the future. The hidden guardian who kept everything intact as much as he could.

He looked at the black haired Mii for a while then turned to look at the other.

For a moment, a melancholic look appeared in his face, followed by streams of tears that flowed down his cheek, and turned into speckles of light that drifted in the air, slowly fading away.

"Mii, I spent countless timelines, trying to find a way..."

"Countless timelines, I watched the world be destroyed..."

"Countless timelines, I watched you die in the most horrible way..."

"Countless timelines...I lived with you...made a family with you...aged together with you..."

"Countless times...I had to keep making whether this decision is right..."

"Countless times...no more..."

Lucas II lifted his sword and rested it just before Mii's neck. His expression was full of hesitation to the point where he gritted his teeth so hard, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

It has been decided by [Fate] that Lucas and Mii can never be together. One only needs to look at [Earth-2] to understand this.

The Lucas and Mii of this world got together and lived peacefully for a few years, but in the end, a zombie apocalypse happened. Only, in this world, it was Lucas who died a gruesome death instead of Mii.

The moment Lucas died, [Fate] allowed this world to be saved. And this was in the form of [Earth-1] Lucas 'accidentally' traveling to this parallel world.

However, the Mii of [Earth-1] has traveled here as well, but that wasn't outside Fate's intentions. On the contrary, that was planned as well. Because this will give him the opportunity to once again test Lucas.

"Mii...I'm sorry...the least I can do...is make it as much painless as possible...and kill you with my own hands..."

Lucas II swung his sword hard and fast, never looking away, hoping to burn the image of her death deep inside his mind, heart, and soul.

For he knows that this is the only way he can repent...by torturing himself with regret, grief, sorrow, guilt, and pain.

He can become as powerful as a God or even more, but there's never a way to escape the pain of killing someone you love with your own hands.

However, just as the sword touched her neck, a hand came out of nowhere and stopped him.

Lucas II's eyes widened and exploded a mysterious force around his body to force back whoever stopped him.

He didn't hold back at all, for he knew, that for someone to appear now where time had stopped and stop his attack, this person...is at the very least, as powerful as him.

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