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Oh wow, there's a Top Author's Note now!?

Well, long time no see guys. I finally had the time to write here...actually, today is the first time I visited again and was surprised with the changes.

Anyway, I am sad to say that I will be stopping World Gate Online here and the other stories will enter a rather long hiatus as well. I'm in my last semester and I am so close to graduating. Yet I find myself to have more work than before! I have 2 projects I need to turn in, 5 narrative reports on 5 different seminars, even more seminars to attend, 3 presentations to do, grad pics, exit exam, and a few more things to do, and I still need to finish rendering hours in my internship!

...I wanna die... orz

But that isn't the reason why I'm stopping WGO. Rather, it's because the story has been, well, complicated? When I started writing WGO, in my mind, it was only supposed to finish at most 3 volumes...yet I had to go and make a [World Key] out of a whim...which made me so enthusiastic that I made things too complicated, creating numerous plot holes I can't cover...Well, I'm done doing that so I decided to stop.

But wait, there's more. Haha, I did decide to stop World Gate Online but that doesn't mean I'll just let it be like that. I'm planning on rewriting the whole thing. Yes. I'm gonna REWRITE it all!

Though the story will be somewhat simmilar, the plot will change somewhat. I will also rearrange the worlds he visit like, instead of [Sennerth], he goes to [Zoulang] first. so the first few volumes will be a xianxia genre with game attributes. After that, the genre will become a modern xianxia/VRMMO genre. I will also be changing some logics and stuff like that as well.

So in simple terms. I'm going to make a new story. Who has the same characters as WGO, but a different yet similar story(?). Well, that's that.

The title for the new WGO will be [World Gate Online: RESTART] which I will announce here when I decide to write it. In the mean time, I still have a lot of work to do...



Also, if you all want to know how the current arc will end, well, Lucas and Mii ended up staying there for 9 something months when finally, Earth-1 was finally able to make a gate to Earth-2. Just in time for Freya and the girls to rush to Lucas, only to see him holding the baby of Mii-2 and was instantly misunderstood. After that, well, the family just keeps growing... :P

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