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Ex: What's up v?
Ivan: who is this?
V: my ex, that I'm not in the mood to see right now.
Emilio: okay. Bro. Go away. We just went though a lot now please leave.
Ex: ohhhh. Look who got themselves body guards.
V: I have two protective ones. A best friend and a boyfriend. One that's much better than you ever were.
Ex: no guy can beat me v. I'm the best guy here.
V: oh really? Does he beat me up?
Ivan and Emilio looked at me in shock knowing this guy beat me up a lot.
Ex: probably. They both seem like fuck boys.
V: Well your wrong.
Ex: your sure about that?
He started moving closer to me.
And Ivan and Emilio stood in front of me.
Ivan: leave her alone man.
Emilio: do what you gotta do. But leave us alone.
It started getting physical and he grabbed Ivan by his bandaged wrist. Tight. Painfully. Next thing I heard was Ivan screaming in pain because he wouldn't let go. The sound of Ivan hurt was just hurting. Emilio punched him straight in the face and Ivan fell to the floor holding his wrist in pain. My ex was twice the size the twins so Emilio pretty much got beaten to death. My ex was on top of Emilio punching him neither me or Ivan couldn't stop him. We tried so hard. Ivan tried hitting him but he kept going. Next thing we saw. Emilio had cuts on his face 2 black eyes and a blood nose. Ivan started crying because he saw his brother like that and he couldn't do anything. Then security came out. They took my ex Into custody and they got medics to come and grab Emilio. We didn't know what just happened. The only thing I thought was to call Jake.
The phone call:
Jake: hey you ready?
V: uhhh shit just happened Jake.
Jake: what are you guys good?
V: Emilio just got beaten by my ex and Ivan is okay but needs his wrists rechecked because my ex squeezed his bandaged wrist.
Jake: what the fuck? Want me to come down anyway? I'm done with set.
V: if you wanna. We will only be here for like another hour.
Jake: okay I'll come down.
V: okay I'll be at the front waiting for you in 5.
Jake: alrighty. See ya soon.
V: bye Jake.
I went inside to see what they were doing they both went into the same Room and spoke to the same doctor. Within 5 minutes Ivan got his arms checked and he was fine but there was a bit more bruising. And Emilio got given some pain killers and a ice pack. To lay on his eye. He kept switching. I then got a text from Jake.
Jake: I'm downstairs.
V: coming
I saw Jake and hugged him.
Jake: hey you good?
V: yeah shit just went down that's all.
Jake: well let's go see the twins and I'll stay until we need to head off.
V: okay.
Jake and I walked upstairs and before I walked in I peeked through the curtains to see what they were doing. It was so cute they were like a couple. Ivan was in the crook of Emilio's neck on his phone and Emilio was just laying there looking at the ceiling. They started talking and Jake and I were listening before were opened the curtains
Emilio: bro. Thankyou. I think I would be dead if you weren't here.
Ivan: I'm your twin I'll be there to make you happy if you are upset....
Emilio: yeah bro. I love you so much man.
Ivan: I love you.
Jake and I looked at eachother in aw. We eventually saw the doctor coming and we walked in.
Jake: sup Martinez. Sorry I wasn't there. I would've beaten him up.
Emilio and Ivan: it's all good Jake.
The doctor walked in after us.
Doctor: you guys are all good to go.
Jake: thankyou doctor.
Doctor: it's all good guys.
We all picked up our stuff and left.

Skip to being back at the team 10 house

We walked through the doors and the whole of the team was there to hug us and welcome us back home. We were gone for the whole day pretty much it was already. I was tired and it was a big day so I decided to go to bed. Emilio went to bed to rest and Ivan came with me. There was no vlog for today but I Tweeted: "No vlog today guys. Sorry. Things happened" I'll explain In the next vlog. I went to bed and cuddled with Ivan and it started to get cold. He got out of bed threw on a hoodie and passed me one of his. I put it on and we snuggled until we both fell asleep in each others arms and slept through the night peacefully.

The Martinez Twins {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now