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It's been three months.... I haven't spoken to the twins. I haven't gotten one message or call from Ivan, nor Emilio. But I know Jake has been helping them. I haven't been vlogging since the twins left. I told the fans I'll be back when I'm happy. I'll be in jakes vlogs tho. Jake came upstairs to see me sitting on my bed still.

Jake: hey. V...
V: hey Jake.
Jake: you never told me what happened with Ivan.
V: he never gave me a proper answer.
Jake: what do you mean.
V: he kept saying I don't know. Idk.. and idk.
Jake: he really didn't tho.
V: what?
Jake: he didn't have any answers. Even the letter said.
V: what letter?
Jake: the letter that gave them all the info they had. It litterally had no information on it.
V: do you have it?
Jake: yeah? Haven't you seen it!? Did Ivan ever show you?
V: no.
Jake: this could've saved your relationship.
Jake handed me the letter and I started reading it.

Ivan was right... he had no answers. I feel so bad, I was just so angry I didn't know what to do. Oh my god. He should've showed me this.

Jake: what?
V: I'm going to Spain.
Jake: oh my god. You messed up didn't you?
V: yes!
Jake: I'll book us two plane tickets for the next flight. Get packing it could litterally even be in 3 hours.
V: okay.

I started packing. About 10 minutes later Jake told me the flight was in five hours. I got so excited. Jake and I told team 10 and we left as soon as possible because flying over seas... you need to be there earlier.

- Time skip -

Jake and I are sitting on the plane.
Jake: you excited?
V: yes! I just can't wait to surprise them. You know there address right?
Jake: yeah yeah of course.

Jake then took out his vlog camera and started vlogging.
Yo what's up Jake paulers. I'm about to take off well... we are. Guys I'm with v and we are going to Spain to surprise the Martinez twins. It's gonna be a long flight so I'll see you guys when we get off.

Emilio's POV:
Jake Tweeted 5 minutes ago his flying somewhere and there will be no vlog tomorrow because he his gonna be on the plane for a long time. He said he wasn't alone so that was good.

- Time skip -
We hopped of the aireplane and Jake started vlogging. Typical. We got an Uber. But the problem was he didn't speak English so we had to use google translate to talk to him.
He apparently told us to put in the address in the gps. Jake did and it was about 20 minutes away.
They lived pretty close to the airport.
We got to there house and I recognised it from there vlogs when they visit their family. It was about midday so they would be awake. Jake and I grabbed our bags and knocked on the door.
We waited for someone to open the door. And suddenly the handle started moving. It opened and Ivan was standing there in shock.
Ivan: oh my god!

Ivans POV
I grabbed her and hugged her so tight. She hugged me back too. We didn't let go. Until I realised Jake was there.
I let go and I hugged Jake for like a quick 3 seconds.
Jake: how've you been man?
Ivan: I missed you guys so much.
V: why didn't you text me?
Ivan: I was scared you didn't want me too.
V: you silly little
He cut me of by pushing his big plump lips up against mine. Argh I missed this. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Little did we know Jake was vlogging. Honestly who cares. The fans never knew what happened. We never put the stagement out that we broke up. We stopped kissing and I hugged him once again putting my head in the crook of his neck.
Ivan: I'm sorry for not telling you...
V:  NO IM SORRY FOR NOT BELIEVING YOU! Jake showed me the letter and you really didn't have any answers, I'm sorry.
Ivan: I love you so much.
V: I love you too. We hugged again and finally pulled back.
Jake: so ur back together now?
Ivan: yes. That's what I want.
V: me too.
Ivan: you guys need to wake up Emilio. His still sleeping.
V: oh my god yes!
We walked in the house and I sat next to Emilio.
V: hey e.
Emilio: I'm sick of having dreams like this..
he mumbled quietly.
V: it's not a dream. Emi. Open your eyes.
I said softly.
He opened his eyes and freaked out. He saw Jake then me.
Emilio: oh my god! Guys!
He hugged Jake and me so tight. It was a group hug. Then Ivan came in. It was so much fun. I missed them so much.
We all sat down in the living room and spoke.
Emilio: did you guys get return tickets?
V: no
Jake: why?
Ivan: we were gonna surprise you guys. We got our visas.
Jake: WHAT!
Jake: so when u coming back to LA.
Emilio: we have tickets for next week to fly back maybe just buy some and join our flight.
Ivan: yes! Guys this is so good.
V: Jake is that what u wanna do?
Jake: of course I'm down.
I leaned against Ivan and held his hand.
V: I missed you.
Ivan: I missed you too baby girl.

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