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Okay let's admit no one was excited to see me nor Jake, everyone was happy to see the twins. They all didn't have bags under there eyes. They obviously all got some sleep. Ivan and Emilio were being crowded by team 10.
Erika: how was the flight?
Ivan: I was comfortable.
Ivan looked at me and smiled. Argh he was so beautiful. It was really late in LA but it's like afternoon in Barcelona. There used to the jet lag though they were dealing with it so well and then you see me and Jake like drifting off like "why is it still night" anyway team 10 decided to get to bed and Jake went with Erika to his room. Emilio went to bed because he didn't sleep much on the plane and then there was me and Ivan.
Ivan: we have to get to bed.
V: why I'm not tired.
Ivan: if you wanna cut out of the jet lag your gonna at least need to lay in bed with me.
V: well I'm not tired.
Ivan: I am.
V: HOW?!
Ivan: I don't know. Just Emilio and I know how to cheat this jet lag.
V: coulda told me.
Ivan: sorry babe... I love you though
V: I love you too.
Ivan looked at me and put his head to the side.
Ivan: please come to bed?
He said quietly.
V: ahaha fine.
Ivan grabbed my hand as we walked upstairs. His hands were so soft. Our bags were already in the room. Knowing this house Erika probably did it. I fell on the bed on my stomach and Ivan collapsed on my back. I groaned.
V: you got fatter
I said in a cheeky way.
Ivan: hey! Blame Emilio.... his been shoving pizzas in my face for nearly 19 years.
v: how did he hear that?
Ivan: I don't know.
We both started laughing and I put my head on the pillow and Ivan layed down next to me. And grabbed my hand.
Ivan: I'm so glad we are back.
V: me too.
That's when I realised Ivan and Emilio's birthday were in a week. They were turning 19. 19!?!? Holy shit! I thought. I'm still 17. At this point Ivan was talking but I was to busy thinking.
Ivan: babe! Hello? What's wrong?
V: nothing... I just realised your birthday is next week.
Chance: shut up Emilio!
Ivan and I laughed and we snuggled and layed back on our bed, back in LA.

All off a sudden I wake up.... woah. That night went fast. Ivans cute baby face sleeping it was about 3:30 am . His arm was under me so I sat up and he looked dead. He was so calm. Wait what? I thought. I look outside and it's still dark. "I'm tripping cuz of the jet lag" I think to myself.
Ivan: baby...
V: hey babe.
Ivan: my arms aching.
V: I'll get ur pain killers.
I get out of bed in my booty shorts and a savage hoodie. (Always plug) and went downstairs to get Ivans pain killers. Here I am. Standing at the medicine cabinet looking for Ivans things. Then I feel someone behind me. It was chance.
V: Jesus chance, you scared me.
Chance: sorry.
V: get ur ass to bed. It's cold. And late.
Chance: I like you... a lot....
v: wait what?
Chance started getting really touchy... I then felt his hands on my back.
V: chance. Your tired and drunk.... you gotta sleep.
Chance: but I want you... I want you a lot...
I pushed chance away.
V: I'm dating someone your living with, this isn't a good idea.
Chance: yes it is... it can be our secret.
I cringed, that's Ivans thing to say not his.
V: no chance.
Chance: whyyyyyy.
V: because I don't love you.
Chance: well I do.
He moved back closer to me and started touching me really tight.
V: chance let me go!
He then slammed me up againsted the wall and then Ivan came down the stairs...

The Martinez Twins {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now