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I was thinking... okay so. I was dreaming about everything besides being kicked out of team 10? Right Ivan?
Ivan: babe... we got kicked out... we came here, got sorted, fell asleep and woke up to you screaming.
I fell back down on my bed and just cried. I actually felt so bad.
Ivan: baby. It's okay... I'm here.
Ivan sat up against the bed frame and pulled me into him. I cried in his chest. Honestly I love the fact he didn't care.
Emilio: we have things to do today.
V: like what?
Emilio: we gotta go looking for a house. It may be to soon but the sooner we outta here is the better.
I sat there. I can't believe I dreamed that... it felt so real.
Ivan: babe. You okay?
V: yeah yeah I'm fine.
Emilio: let's get ready.
Ivan: okay...
We all got up and got dressed, we showered and ate breakfast at some sort of cafe down the road. But then all of a sudden Emilio got a Email from a sort of manager saying...

Hi Emilio!
Just checking up to see if you, Ivan Martinez were still up to coming to the teen choice awards this month! Please let us know ASAP! We are getting scores ready and getting people ready to vote! Here are the nominations you are included in:
- YouTuber of 2018
- Cutest couple (with Tessa Brooks) temilio
- Cutest couple (with Chloe Jasmine) clivan
Please notify us as soon as you can! Thankyou!

Kind regards,
Teen choice crew, Jonathan dunwell.

Emilio sat up in a rush and walked out side.
I checked my emails and had a similar one to Emilio's.. just different names and nominations. I told Ivan.
Emilio walked back in with a smile. Tessa and I are competing. And we are competing together bro.
Emilio: I need to verse my brother.. damn.
Ivan: oh well we are competing our channel together anyways.
Emilio: that's true.
V: isn't team 10 gonna be there?
Emilio: if they are who cares.
Ivan: yeah babe just ignore them. Except Tessa.
V: okay.
We all replied to our emails and started going house hunting.
V: let's walk around the neighborhood and have a look.
We all got up and started walking around the neighbourhood ivan me and Emilio walking.... We found a few nice places but there was there was this one that caught my eye. It was pretty big and we were walking past it and I looked to my left and saw it. The twins kept walking.
Emilio: yo
V: look... at... this... house.
Ivan turned to his left and stood there looking up with his mouth slightly open. I think it was the fact we could afford it and the size it was.
Ivan: holy-
Emilio: shit.
Emilio was standing right next to Ivan in the exact same position. It was cute. They were both wearing the same thing.
We looked at the for sale sign and got in contact with the owner as soon as we got back to the hotel. It really wasn't that hard. Ivan and I are sitting on the foot of the bed holding hands and I was leaning on his shoulder.
Emilio: we can go look at the place tomorrow... and if we want it, it's ours.
V: holy shit.
Emilio: but we might need to wait a few days because there still renovating the carpet but it will be done soon. And we gotta fill out paperwork after seeing the house tomorrow.
V: that was quick.
Ivan: clearly. It's funny cause that house is bigger than jakes.
We all started laughing.
Emilio: guys hold up. Tessa is calling me.
He answered the phone and walked out side. And Ivan and I just spoke.
V: do you think this is the place?
Ivan: definitely. I'm shocked it was that easy.
V: Ivan, babe... it's your birthday next week.
Ivan: oh my god!
Before he got to excited we heard Emilio yelling...
Emilio: no Tessa! Please don't do this. I love you! What about teen choice?
I turned around to Ivan.
Ivan: what is happening.
V: I don't know...
Then Emilio got louder.
Emilio: GOD DAMN!
He walked in and slammed the door behind him and went into the bathroom.
Ivan: oh my god. Wait here babe.
Ivan left my hand and walked in after Emilio.

Ivans POV

I walked in after my brother to see what happened.
Emilio: not now bro!
Emilios voice sounded like he was crying hard, I hated seeing my brother like that.
Ivan: yo, I'm your twin I'm in your life for a reason...
Emilio opened the door and let me in. He was sitting against the bath tub and had his head on his knees.
Ivan: what happened Emilio?
Emilio: she left me man. She... she just left.
I sat down next to Emilio.
Ivan: yo bro. I'm your best friend right?
Emilio: yeah... of course...
He pulled his head out and looked at me.. his face was red and patchy.
Ivan: well you know what? Girls that do that don't deserve you. You need someone you can trust Emilio. That's why I'm here. I'm not just your annoying younger twin brother. I'm your best friend, twin and your my soulmate. whatever happens I won't lose you. I can't... you have me and v, mama and Rebe, adding a extra person to the equation is confusing.
Emilio: but-
Ivan: no buts Emilio.. not now... your mine.
Emilio: thanks man.
Ivan: get up. Cmon.
I helped Emilio up and we went out for ice cream.

Hey guys I'm just gonna skip a few days. Until they move into the house because I'm stupid and can't come up with anything.

We woke up a few days later getting a call from the owner of the house.
Owner: the place is yours.
Emilio: okay, what else do we need to do.
Owner: meet me at the house in a hour to collect the keys.
Emilio: okay thankyou so much.

We all had just realised we had no furniture. Just clothes and some food.

Ivan: well let's pack up here. And head to the house.
Emilio: oh my god I'm excited
V: of course you are Emilio.

We packed up all of our stuff and went to the house in a Uber because we had suitcases. We got out of the Uber and the man was already there.

Owner: so here's the keys. We will mail you the late information you need to fill out. But this property is beautiful, you guys will like it.
Ivan: why you selling it?
Owner: kinda tired of having all these houses on my back.
V: well that's fair enough. Thankyou for this.
Owner: Anytime loves. Take care.

The man walked to his car and we opened the front gate and walked into the house.
It was all clean and polished. The tiles looked brand new. It was amazing. The second you walk through the front doors you see the big back yard and a nice big pool.

Ivan: well this is home.
V: what about our beds.
Emilio: well it's only around 12 let's go to ikea or something. After we finish putting our clothes away.
V: my favourite part about getting a new house is choosing the room.
Ivan: same, we need to get a room that's sound proof.

I Slapped him on the shoulder and he laughed. And Emilio was confused.

V: Okay well let's go chose our rooms.

We all walked up stairs and the was a room to the left and 3 on the right.
Emilio: all these rooms are the same size.
Ivan: i can tell.
Emilio: do you guys want that room.

He pointed to the left.

V: yes.
Ivan: are we gonna share a room?
V: no... what do you think silly?! Of course we are.

Emilio started laughing.

Ivan okay come with let's just hang our clothes up. And we will go to ikea. You too Emilio,

Emilio: OKAY!

Emilio was already in his room.
Emilio: yo guys! My room has a bathroom! And a walk in wardrobe!
Ivan and I walked into our room and it did too.
Emilio: Ahahah suck shit!
V: Emilio we do to!
Emilio: oh. Well. I have a balcony!
I turned around to Ivan.
V: well that we don't have.
Ivan: oh well, I have you and Emilio. That's good enough.
V: Okay well let's finish doing this and go get beds and stuff.
Ivan: Okay.

The Martinez Twins {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now