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I then woke up. But Ivan wasn't next to me, he was directly across from me hanging on the wall and Dylan was there. With a knife. He then looked at me as I opened my eyes.
Dylan: good morning beautiful.
I had a massive headache and realised I got drugged while sleeping. Dylan walked up to me and sat infront of me.
Dylan: so.
He started playing with the top of the knife and he slid it across my skin on my thigh. I heard Ivan screaming with the duct tape on his mouth.
Dylan: break up with him or I kill him.
He took the duct tape off my mouth. I could feel tears being able to touch the skin under the duct tape.
V: please just let us go!
Dylan: NO!
He yelled in my face, and stood up. He then walked over to Ivan.
Dylan: Your turn.
He picked up the knife and started cutting Ivans neck. Then the door bursted open. It was Emilio.
Emilio: HEY!
Dylan looked over to Emilio in shock knowing Emilio was gonna beat his ass. Emilio walked over and was pissed. He punched dylan so hard he fell to the ground and picked up the knife.
Dylan was groaning in pain.
Emilio: karma ass hole... let's get you two out of here.
Dylan: you will regret this...
Emilio took Ivan off the wall and Ivan fell in his arms.
Ivan: I'm sorry bro, I love you so much.
Ivan started crying even more in Emilio's arms. As Ivans blood from his neck dropped down to Emilio's shirt.
Emilio: no bro Im sorry. Let's just get out of here.
Ivan still holding onto his arm Emilio came towards me and took off my ties. I hugged him. Once again Emilio saves my life.
Ivan: how did you find us bro?
Emilio: I looked on the find friends app and realised we added eachother on it last year before we got to LA.
Ivan: oh my god.
Emilio: lucky I checked the time he was here. Because your phones in his pocket.
Ivan walked over to Dylan and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. As he stood back up he looked at him.
Ivan: you fucked up bro.
He kicked him in the ribs and grabbed my hand.
Ivan: we are leaving.
Emilio took us to his car. We all hopped in. Ivan and I were in the back. I had a massive bruise on my hip. It started aching so I lifted up my shirt not knowing ivan was looking.
v: babe, don't worry. It was probably dylan.
Ivan: you are so lucky we ain't still with him.
Emilio looked in the review mirror.
Emilio: Ivan.... I am really sorry. It's all my fault. I should've shut up. If I didn't piss you off you wouldn't of walked out.
Emilio started to cry.
Emilio: Ivan... you could've died man.
Ivan: bro... we are okay now.
Ivan: bro....
Emilio: I can't lose my little brother, don't ever! Ever! Walk out of the house unless you tell me where your going. Your lucky I found you Ivan!
Ivan: okay! Same for you. And you babe.
V: new rule of this house. We always know where we all are at all times.
We pulled up to the house and hopped out of the car. We walked into the house and Ivan grabbed my hand.
Ivan: we need to get you cleaned up.
We walked up the first few stairs and I was wincing in pain.
Ivan: babe. What's wrong?
V: my hip...
Ivan: argh, come here.
Ivan lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as Ivan held me like a teddy bear. We got to the bathroom and he sat me on the bench and pulled out a first aid kit from above me.
V: but what about you?
Ivan: I'll heal.
V: I will too.
Ivan: you are more important.
V: but-
Ivan: no buts. Now let me fix you up.
Ivan pulled out little cotton balls and put infection stuff on it.
V: WAIT IVAN oh my god.
Ivan: what's up?
Ivan: hold onto me.
He slowly places the ball on my leg as I place my head in the crook of his neck and squeeze his shirt and pull him closer.
Ivan: we are all done babe.
V: thankyou handsome.
Ivan picked me up and carried me to the bed.
Ivan: wait here I gotta fix my self up.
About 5 minutes later he came back out and laid on top of me.
V: argh. Babe!
Ivan: I'm tired.
V: well sleep.
Ivan: cuddle with me.
Ivan took the phone out of my hand and put the phone on his bed side table. He laid down and I was in the crook of his neck. We started talking about things and team 10 and stuff and talking about the way things used to be.
Ivan: i remember how you looked at me when you first saw me.
V: I remember that time you slam- shit. Sorry.
Ivan: AHHAHA don't be... I mean.... we can do it again.
Ivan got on top me and started to take off my shorts but then Emilio ran in.
Emilio: sorry bro but the cops are here.

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