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Normal POV

Im sitting downstairs with Ivan and Emilio and Tessa have been upstairs for a while. Ivan and I are sitting here hoping things are going well.
Ivan: Im bored.
V: what do you wanna do.
Ivan: I wanna take you upstairs but their in our room.
V: well let's go in Emilio's room.
Ivan: Okay.

Ivan stood up and grabbed me hand and pulled me with him I really couldn't be walking up all those stairs.
V: Ivan ivan ivan.
Ivan: what?
He smiled and showed his teeth.
V: I can't be bothered walking upstairs.
Ivan: argh. Come here.
I jumped on him and wrapped around my legs around his waists and my arms tight around his neck. I'm suprised he didn't fall. We got up stairs and he put me down. Then we heard moaning coming from the room on our left. Me and Ivans room.
Ivan and I started dying with laughter but silently.
Ivan: wait here.
He said trying to stay quiet. He walked up to the door and knocked on it.
Ivan: yo! If you guys are gonna do it. Do it in your own bed.
Emilio: sorry bro! Wait a minute!
Ivan: aha okay!

Ivan walked back up to me and put his hands on my waists.
Ivan: I love you a lot.
V: I do too. I miss this.
Ivan pushed his lips up against mine and we were kissing until Emilio and Tessa came out.
Emilio: get a room.
Ivan: someone already took ours.
We all laughed and Ivan and I went into our room. We sat on the bed and Ivan grabbed my hand.
Ivan: how would you feel about a start over?
V: what do you mean??
Ivan: like a full start over and put everything behind us.
V: yeah I'm down.
Ivan and I smiled
Ivan: can I take you out tonight?
V: mmmmm.
I looked up with a cheeky smile on my face and Ivan still smiling.
V: Id love too.
Ivan: haha cool.
We both smiled even more and he leant in and kissed me.
Ivan: wear bikinis under your clothes.
V: okay.

Time skip

Ivan and I are about to head out. Emilio and Tessa are still in that room. I grabbed a towel and through on a light dress over my bathers. A beach was just around the corner from our house so we decided to walk. Ivan and I left. Leaving a note for Emilio on the kitchen bench. And we walked out. Ivan and I were holding hands as we were walking and he was staying really close to me.
We eventually got to the beach and we dumped our towels and my bag next to a tree. I tried running from Ivan because I knew he was about to pick me up and throw me in the ocean but once again I failed and he picked me up bride style. He ran in the water and I was holding on to him tight. We got to the point where I was still holding on to Ivan and the water was just above his hips. I sorta got down and wrapped my legs around his waists and was holding on by his neck.
Ivan: your so beautiful v.
V: really?
Ivan: yes you are.
He said looking into my eyes.
Ivan: I'm so glad I can call you mine.
V: it's your birthday in like 2 days.
Ivan: wow. 19... what should I get my brother.
V: get him a matching necklace. Or something that represents both of you. That's what I would've done if I had a twin.
Ivan: I've actually never thought of that.
V: I already know what I'm getting you both.
Ivan: oooo tell me.
V: no!
Ivan threw me in the ocean and I came up laughing.
Ivan: tell me.
He said laughing
V: no! Or it will wreck the day! And Emilio's.
Ivan: wait what?
V: yeah I got you both the same thing.
Ivan: okay! Now tell me.
V: no!
Ivan: do you wanna go in again?
I started running as Ivan chased me. It was one of the best nights I've had in a while.

Time skip

We arrived back home and Emilio and Tessa were in the kitchen, close.
Ivan: so?
Emilio and Tessa both looked at Ivan.
Emilio: can she stay here?
V: it's fine with me.
Ivan: fine.
Tessa smiled and looked at Emilio which was really cute I looked at Ivan and smiled. I walked upstairs and grabbed a new towel. Ivan behind me.
Ivan: where are you going?
V: I'm having a shower.
Ivan: can I come.
V: ahah no.
Ivan: come on babe!
He said following me as I was going into the bathroom.
Ivan: ive already seen you naked.
Ivan: what?
V: you are so immature
Ivan: please!?
V: fine. One rule... no looking down.
Ivan: oof that's hard but okay.
I walked fully into the bathroom as Ivan grabbed a towel and came into the bathroom to.
V: I mean it. Don't. Do. Anything.
Ivan: I won't.
Ivan said smiling
V: you have a cheeky smile on your face.
Ivan: Im just nervous.
V: awwww my baby boy is nervous
I said sarcastically.
Ivan lifted up my shirt and took it off. And he took of his. I looked down and started to untie the tie in his swimming shorts. He took them off and then unclipped my bikinis.
He went to look down but I pushed up his chin.
Ivan: oof damn. I'm glad to call you mine.
I turned around and turned on the shower as we were waiting for the right temperature he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled back and stood in the shower keeping him close to me. He grabbed the soap and started washing my back. He stopped and put the soap down and then I felt plump lips on my neck.
V: babe...
Ivan: mm?
He said still on my skin.
V: let's do this and we will continue after.
Ivan: argh fine.
Ivan and I showered and we got out and I wrapped the towel around me and he did too.
Ivan: wait omg!
Ivana face Lit up
V: ahah what?
Ivan: let me get your pjs.
V: why do I feel like i know what your doing?
He completely ignored me and grabbed booty shorts out of the draws and one of his hoodies.
V: you forgot underwear Ivan.
Ivan: do you really need that if it's coming off anyway?
I playfully yelled and hit him on the shoulder.
Ivan: okay! Here...
I smiled and he did too.
We got dressed and then I heard Tessa calling me.

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