Chapter 1

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      Juniper Claire enters the local bar that she is going to meet the landlord of the new house that she and her little sister, Davina, are suppose to move into

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      Juniper Claire enters the local bar that she is going to meet the landlord of the new house that she and her little sister, Davina, are suppose to move into. When Juniper first left New Orleans to this little town in Ohio she had asked an old acquaintance to watch her little sister knowing that she can not trust her mother or any of the witches back in her home town to take care of Davina. The woman with jet black hair and silver tips, sits down at the table a small smirk dancing on her lips, she holds her hand out introducing herself to the gentleman at the other side.

    "Lets get down to business shall we?" She tilts her head getting a good look at how many demons the man has, so far she has seen five of them but that does not mean those are his only ones.

    "I thought you would have wanted to make small talk, I guess not." The man brings out his tablet from his bag loading the pictures of the house for her.

   "I am not one for small talk," She explains as she swipes to view the pictures.

   "And here I thought you were a nice girl..." The man chuckles with a small smile causing Juniper to let out a small laugh.

   "Well that's one hell of a thought because I'm not a nice girl," She laughs while shaking her head. The two discuss the prices of the house and the quality before her phone goes off, she excuses herself walking outside to answer it.

   "June we got ourselves a bit of a situation, it's Davina." The dark  skinned man speaks into the phone.

   "Where is she? Is she alright? What happened?" A million questions and possibilities run through the woman's mind of what could have happened to her little sister.

    "She's fine now just a little shaken up. The witches tried to sacrifice four girls for some kind of Harvest Ritual." As soon as the two words, Harvest Ritual left the man on the other line mouth she knew those bastard witches were going to pay.

    "Tell her everything is going to be fine, I'm coming home." She speaks into her phone darkly before hanging up, she walks back into the bar telling the gentleman that some family issue has come up and that she has to leave but she will be taking the house, they agreed that she will pay after he has the few problems of the house fixed up for them to be able to move in. They say their goodbyes and Juniper leaves back to her home town, New Orleans.


     That was months ago now Juniper Claire is sitting in the attic of St. Anne's Church with Davina reading a book, most of the time she keeps Davina company in the dusty attic that Marcel Gerard put her in so she won't be killed by the witches that want to finish the Harvest Ritual. Both Marcel and Juniper came to the agreement that this will be the best place for Davina till the ritual is over, a simple cloaking spell was put on this place along with a few of Junipers best guards to reassure her sister's safety.

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