Chapter 20

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Juniper rips off one of the human faction member's head, as Klaus tells Father Kieran that they will be in a boating accident

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Juniper rips off one of the human faction member's head, as Klaus tells Father Kieran that they will be in a boating accident. Father Kieran points to Juniper, both vampires and priest stop what they are doing to watch the Queen of Demons examine the head. Klaus looks at Marcel with a furrowed brow confused at to what she is doing.

"Must you decapitate everyone you kill, love?" Klaus asks.

"Huh?" Juniper drops the head on the floor letting it roll on the floor. "Oh. No, but the bigger the demon the harder it is for it to exit the body, so removing the person's head makes it easier for the demon to come out. That or I just really don't like that person. In his case its the first one." June shrugs taking all of their demons letting them inhabit her body.

"Yeah, don't question it." Marcel shakes his head, Juniper goes behind the bar grabbing a rag to clean her hands.

"What are we going to do with him?" Klaus smirks putting a hand on the priests shoulder.

"We don't do anything with him. Duh." Juniper pops an peanut in her mouth that is in little tray on the bar.

"I've known Kieran for a long time. He's smart and he's fair. He can do us more good alive than dead, not to mention he's Cami's Uncle." Marcel tells him, Juniper walks over to them putting an arm around the priest.

"He's gonna stay, or there will be serious consequences. Got it princess?" Juniper smiles at all three of them, Klaus rolls his eyes at June.

"Very well. Use this reprieve to remake your human faction." Klaus motions to the dead bodies crinkling his nose up in disgust.

"And how do you expect me to remake the Mayor?" Kieran asks looking at the dead bodies.

"Simple. Have an election." June shrugs, smiling. Happy that she has new demons.

"Choose new leaders then we reopen negotiations." Klaus smirks at the Queen of Demons motioning for her to leave with him. Juniper pats the priest on the back wishing him good luck before following the Hybrid out the door.


The group of three arrive at the Compound. Juniper takes off her heels as she enters, sighing.

"Alright I am going to shower because I feel like Carrie." The woman with dyed hair jokes walking away from the two men letting them talk, Klaus watches her walk off.

Juniper enters her room, closing the door behind her. She goes to one of the drawers pulling out a tank top, pajama shorts, and a pair of clean undergarments. She walks outside of her room to grab two towels from the hall closet that she can't seem to find. After searching for ten minutes Juniper manages to find the towels, grabbing two she walks back to her room. June gets in the shower scrubbing away all the blood and dirt from her body, she hums a song that has been stuck in her head for the whole day.

After showering Juniper lays down in her bed reading a book. What the Queen of Demons didn't know was that Hayley was talking to her little sister about Agnes being killed by June, something that both Juniper and Marcel forgot to tell her. Davina accuses the werewolf of lying because her guardians would have told her something. Hayley then tells the teenager that Juniper and Marcel might be using her for her powers and not to keep her safe. Davina tries to defend her family accusing the werewolf of wanting something from her. Hayley admits that she does want the powerful teenage witch to reverse the curse that her werewolf family had been punished with but tells Davina that she wouldn't lie to her. Hayley leaves the witch to her thoughts.

Davina continues to search through her boxes when Josh enter the bedroom holding her violin. The two best friends talk about trusting the pregnant werewolf, as Davina explains the news that Hayley just told her Josh confirms it. Telling Davina that he saw Agnes' decapitated head on a spike on the cemetery fence, and that it was all bloody and gross. Davina's eyes water; knowing that Hayley was telling, what she believes to be, the truth. Josh looks down at his young best friend confused as to why she is crying. Davina tells him that Marcel and Juniper are using her but Josh doesn't believe that June would do that to her little sister. Davina asks him to help get her out of that place but she has no where to go, Josh tells her that it has to be a mistake and that everything will be okay. The two friends pack a bag and leave the Compound undetected.


The next day is the Casket Girls celebration, Juniper was hoping that her and Davina can celebrate from the Compound but when the older woman with dyed hair enters her little sisters room and sees no one in there she begins to panic. Immediately June orders her men to find Davina and bring the person who took her so she can kill them but what she didn't know was that Davina left on her own. Juniper runs back to her room, changing into whatever she can find before grabbing her bag and running out of the room to bump into Klaus.

"Why are you running?" Klaus grabs her, seeing as Juniper was ready to dash not caring that she bumped into him.

"Davina's gone!" Juniper shouts, panicking even more now that she has said it out loud. All the worse possibilities are running through her head and her demons aren't  really helping.

"What do you mean she is gone?" Klaus asks noticing the panicked look etched on her face and loosens his grip.

"Exactly what I said! She's gone! And I don't know where she is or if anyone has taken her or if she's dead!" The Queen of Demons rushes out trying to calm herself but it isn't working. Her shouting causes Elijah and Hayley to come out from a room concerned.

"What's going on?" Hayley asks.

"Davina's missing." Klaus informs the two, all three of them look at Juniper who looks like she is about to explode.

"Calm down June. We'll find her." Klaus puts a comforting hand on the Queen's shoulder but she doesn't listen.

"Call Marcel and tell him what's going on. I'm going to go look for her. Hopefully there's a trace." Juniper runs off using her powers to travel to some of the places she's hope that Davina might be at. What the group is going to find out is that Davina left on her own terms. But what they still won't know is that she's with her good friend at a certain blonde bartender's house.


A/N: So I decided to be nice and publish two chapters. I hope you guys enjoy.

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