Chapter 16

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Juniper and Klaus arrive at the Plantation, she watches the Hybrid storm inside the large house still pissed off at his brother

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Juniper and Klaus arrive at the Plantation, she watches the Hybrid storm inside the large house still pissed off at his brother. Juniper rolls her eyes before following him to the living room sitting down on the couch taking the drink that he hands her. Rebekah shows up a few minutes later making the situation more awkward that it already was.

"So..." She trails off awkwardly not knowing what to say, Klaus raises an eyebrow questioning her. Juniper begins to laugh shaking her head, "I'm sorry. Its just -I'm not good with awkward situations. I'm gonna go back to my apartment and take care of a few things." Juniper goes upstairs to grab her purse, and keys walking back down the stairs leaving the two siblings to talk.

"Whatever you do don't kill each other!" She shouts closing the front door getting into her car and driving to the city. Marcel texts her telling her that he needs some of her men for a job, she replies telling him to meet her at the Nightwalker's bar so they can discuss business.


Juniper walks into the bar that Marcel and his night walkers are at, each of them hissing at her. One of the night walkers rush up to her trying to flirt, June smirks at the naïve vampire.

"Are you lost princess?" He questions gripping her butt, she smirks running her hand over his jaw making a tsk sound. Juniper flirtatiously puts her thumb in his mouth grazing over his bottom fangs before she snap his jaw letting him drop to the floor in pain.

"I'm not a princess. I'm the fucken Queen." She sneers the others stand up ready to fight the Demon Queen until Marcel walks in.

"Calm down everyone, June is an ally." Their King tells them, but one of the night walkers testifies.

"Some ally you have, she just broke Jerry's jaw." A different night walker spits out.  While the vampire that touched June, stands up snapping his jaw back in place.

"Jerry should learn to keep his hands to himself!" Juniper walks towards Marcel taking the drink he has offered her interlocking their arms. "Come on we have business to talk about."


"Now what did you want to talk about?" She questions as they sit down at a table.

"I need some of your men to help me with... something." Marcel hesitates to tell her what he really needs her demons for.

"Really? You want to play it that way?" June raises an eyebrow at her friend not believing that he would try to hide something from her, especially when he is the one asking for her help. "The answer is no."

The Queen of Demons stands, grabbing her bag and ready to leave but the King of New Orleans uses his vampire speed to cut her off.

"Look! It's complicated alright! I just- I need your help! And I know you are doing business with the Mikealsons now, making things more complicated-" Marcel rambles but Juniper holds up a hand silencing him.

"You want my men to fight one of your battles, in taking down Klaus." Juniper assumes, Marcel nods at his closest ally smiling sheepishly. "You're stupid." Juniper laughs at him shaking her head.

"June I know you think it is reckless but if we plan this right we can stop him."

"And who exactly is in charge of this ending the Hybrid party?"

"Rebekah and I are. We also have someone else that is willing to share some information about what Klaus plans on doing." Juniper's eyebrows crease after she put the puzzle pieces together.

"You two just want him gone so you can fuck each other without his permission don't you!" Her eyes narrow as she points a finger at the vampire's chest, Marcel smiles slightly a small blush creeping up on his face. "Jeez man grow some balls!"

"Will you help me or not?"

"Who is the person willing to give information?" She adverts the topic wanting to know more information.

"His name is Tyler Lockwood."

"I'll help you plan this out if  I get to have my fun with the Lockwood boy," A devilish grin forms on her face seeing that she has unfinished business with the young hybrid. "And no one harms the unborn child, or I will kill them. And I get to keep everyone who gets killed demons."

  "Deal." He rushes out throwing an arm over the woman with dyed hair.

    "I wasn't finished." She deadpans crossing her arms turning to look at him "I also want five grand."


   "Yeah, man. I have bills to pay." She holds her hands up in defense.

    "Alright we meet here tomorrow morning."

    "Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Gerard," Juniper smirks as she flashes her demon eyes. "Now if you don't mind I have some planning to do." With that the Queen of Demons walks to her car driving to her apartment


The Queen of Demons enters her apartment glancing around at the semi-dirty living room. Since she has been gone for a while dust has started to cover her bookshelves and desk. The woman with dyed hair sets down her bag and begins to clean, the only reason why she starts cleaning right away is because she won't do it later. She dusts all the items in the house, cleans the kitchen, empties out all of the expired food that was left in the fridge, and vacuums. After cleaning for three hours Juniper goes to her bathroom to shower, singing along to her music that is playing on her portable speaker. When the twenty-four year old is finished she changes into comfortable clothes, throwing some of her dirty clothes in the washer. As her clothes wash she pulls out her notepad from her desk, writing down all of ideas that she can do to the Lockwood boy and how they can stop Klaus. By the time she is finished with her laundry the Queen of Demons prepares her gun with normal bullets and her poisoned bullets. June lays down in her bed falling asleep after ten minutes of staring at the ceiling, thinking of how chaotic tomorrow will be.

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