Chapter 12

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Juniper arrives at the Plantation jogging up the stairs to find Hayley or Rebekah

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Juniper arrives at the Plantation jogging up the stairs to find Hayley or Rebekah. The two girls turn to look at the Demon Queen when she enters the room in a rush, Rebekah standing over the pregnant werewolf handing her an apple. Hayley is about to bite into the ruby red apple but pauses feeling sick, Rebekah puts her hand on Hayley's forehead and cheek feeling the unusual amount of warmth.

"Your burning up," Rebekah looks at June hoping for an explanation.

"Did any of the witches come over?" Juniper asks receiving a solid 'No' from both girls. "Did you feel any sharp pains anywhere? Did you start bleeding from random places on your body like your arms, neck, hands?"

"I felt like I was stabbed in the neck earlier today," Hayley explains laying down just as Rebekah comes back into the bedroom with a damp wash cloth.

"How big was the hole?"

"About the size of a dime if not smaller. Why?" Rebekah asks Juniper begins to think about all the things the witches could have used to harm Hayley stopping when she realizes what they used.

"The Needle of Sorrows." She mutters under her breath leaving the room she pulls out her phone calling the father of the unborn child.

"Yes luv. We already know that Hayley was magically poisoned by the witches." Klaus answers the phone before anything could come out of the Demon Queen's mouth.

"So you know that horrid bitch Agnes did it?" Juniper asks walking down the stairs.

"Yes and I am on a mission to find her do you want to join?" Juniper smirks a the thought of killing witch that she has always hated since she was young, she uses her abilities to travel standing a few feet behind the Hybrid.

"I'd love to," She smirks walking ahead of him into the church listening to the human faction that maintain the peace in the city talk about their good friend Marcel Gerard.

"Really? You think you can control Marcel?" She announces making hers and Klaus' presences known. The police officer walks up to Klaus ready to throw him out but not daring to go near Juniper since all of the people on the faction are scared of her. The Hybrid breaks the officer's hand when Juniper walks up to Father Kieran patting his cheek when he gives her an annoyed look.

"Who the hell are you?" The Mayor asks standing up infuriated with the supernatural beings in the town.

"My name is Klaus, and you lot are the faction pillars of the community who maintain the city's supernatural balance. I should know I created this group, only in my day, it was a bunch of pirates and corrupt politicians." Juniper chuckles as Klaus looks around at the group. "Looks like nothing's changed."

"Well one thing has. Its exclusively humans no vampires allowed, especially no Originals or Demons." Kieran's statement causes both of the supernatural beings to laugh

"Who said we've come to join this..." Juniper moves her finger in a circular motion at the group. "...pathetic little group of alcoholics, thieves, and drug users." She says making some of them shift in their seat uncomfortable as they look around to see if anyone else is looking at them.

"We've come to ask this group to utilize its considerable recourses to find a witch elder named Agnes. All I need is an address."

"And why would we want to help you?" Kieran asks skeptical about the whole situation.

"A) you still owe me many favors so consider this one of them and B)..."June points to the Hybrid standing next to her.

"I have the answer to a question you've been asking since you ran screaming from this town, that she is the witch who hexed your nephew Sean." Klaus walks closer to Kieran who is puzzled on what to say next.

"We need some time to di-" Kieran begins to tell the pair but the Hybrid cuts him off.

"I don't have time!" Klaus yells at the man but lowers his voice. "Nor do I like being asked to wait."

"You may have all the vampires cowering in fear but right now, you are dealing with the humans, and unless you plan on killing all of us. I politely suggest you do as I say and give us time to discuss it." Kieran tells the Hybrid as calmly as he can motioning for them to leave.

"Well then you wouldn't mind if my friends had a little fun with the humans?" She lets a few of her demons free they stand behind the human council ready to posess them; she signals for them to slowly start posessing the humans everyone choking and gasping for air as they do so. "I could tell them to stop... thats if you are willing to coperate with us."

"Fine but we still need some time." The priest complies. Juniper orders her demons to go track down the witch with the others promising that they will have their fun with the humans after this is done.

"You have one hour." Klaus informs the man the two leave the church.

"I'm going back to the Plantation to check on Hayley do you need anything else?" Juniper asks the black smoke forming a ring around her feet not caring if he does or doesn't seeing how she was going to the Plantation no matter what his answer is.


The Demon Queen listens to the conversation that the two Originals are having about the pregnant werewolf and witch still being linked. When she enters the room Sophie stands behind the Noble Original scared of what she might do.

"I agree with Rebekah lets hurry up and get this bitch unlinked from baby momma." Juniper walks slowly towards Sophie as if she were a predator and the Deveraux witch was the prey. "Then we can have some real fun." She smiles wickedly at the witch turning away from her taking the rag from Rebekah to dampen it with cold water ringing it out then placing it back on the woman's forehead.

"Let her do what she can." Elijah tells the two both girls roll their eyes agreeing not to hurt her until this is over.

"I may know a way to slow the fever down, but I'm gonna need some special herbs. I'll text you a list." Sophie tells Rebekah the blonde looks at her older brother with an eye brow raised as if she dared to make her the fetch girl.

"Fine. Happy to play the fetch girl," She storms off angry leaving the Plantation to get the herbs.

"Juniper can you go get me a few bowls and spoons from the kitchen?" The witch asks Juniper glares at her 'If you harm her more than what your people have I will have no problem killing the whole coven' She uses her mind link before walking down the stairs to the kitchen retrieving the necessary items.

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