Chapter 23

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The next morning Juniper is walking to her room, so she can change into her regular clothes

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The next morning Juniper is walking to her room, so she can change into her regular clothes. Klaus is making his way to the study so him, Elijah and Hayley can discuss why Davina has been drawing Elijah's dead ex girlfriend who so happened to be on of the most powerful witches of her time. June has been avoiding him since last night's events still angry enough to rip his head off, they don't see each other round the corner until it is to late. Both of them smack into each other like before but this time Klaus catches June before she can fall.

"Excuse you." June spits out removing his hand from her waist walking away from him. Klaus doesn't say anything to her, he just lets her walk off.

Meanwhile, Marcel is downstairs in the kitchen making the teenage witch some breakfast as an attempt to regain her trust. The overthrown king finishes making her breakfast before making his way to her room. Davina sees that Marcel has entered her room, still furious with him, she throws him against the wall shouting.

June is in her room humming a song to herself not realizing that her demons are trying to tell her something. The Queen of Demons tunes out everything as she hums the song, not hearing the commotion that is going on in her sister's room.

Davina continues to throw vases and other object at Marcel's head, he dodges every single one of them. In the room next to them Klaus leaves his older brother and Hayley to go handle the moody teenager. Moments before the Hybrid enters the room Davina begins to cough up dirt, Marcel rushes to her side holding her hair up rubbing her back.

"June! Juniper!" Klaus yells for the Queen of Demons, just as the whole Compound begins to shake.

Juniper tries to steady herself the ground shaking when she was looking through the closet for something, not realizing that one of Davina's framed paintings was about to fall on her head. The corner of the frame hits woman with jet black hair and silvers tips on the forehead causing her to fall on the floor. Once the Compound stops shaking she stands wiping the small amount of black blood from her forehead, rushing to see if her sister is okay. When she walks in she sees Rebekah talking to her.

"Not on purpose. I-I don't know what's wrong with me." Davina tells the blonde Originals, scared. June looks at the coughed up dirt on the corner of the bed knowing exactly is happening to Davina.

"Hey, sweetheart whatever it is your going to be okay. Get some rest. We'll figure this out." June tucks her in wiping the stray hairs from her face. Both Rebekah and June exit the room. June takes a deep breath trying to contain her emotions Rebekah sees this and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"She's going to be okay, June." Rebekah offers her a small sad smile.

"I hope you're right." The woman with dyed hair, shakes her head walking off to her room to clean up the mess that the earthquake has caused as an attempt to clear her mind.


After an hour of Juniper sitting with Davina as she sleeps, her skin is pale as paste but as hot as an oven. June dips the small rag in the bowel of water again wringing it out, placing it back on Davina's forehead. In the other room all three of the Mikealsons sit talking to Sophie Deveraux about her stealing the remains of the witch, Celeste Dubois, the same witch who Davina has been drawing. Sophie tells them that she doesn't know why Davina has been drawing her and that she only dug up her remains so she can become an elder and finish the Harvest Ritual. Davina begins to scream out in pain causing the house to shake, June calms her down telling her that she will be okay. The teenage witch falls back to sleep holding her sister's hand.

Juniper's demons inform her that the witch bitch, Sophie Deveraux is in the other room telling the Originals about Davina's condition. With much hesitation, June leaves Davina to see what Sophie is actually saying.

"Why should we believe you?" Elijah looks at the witch not easily trusting her.

"You've met Davina, you know her story. For months now she's been holding all the power of the three girls sacrificed in the Harvest Ritual. A force that was meant to flow through her and back into the Earth. One person was never meant to hold that much power. It's tearing her apart, and it will take us down with it." Sophie explains to them, all three siblings look at each other not ready to give up their home. Juniper has been leaning on the wall the whole time Sophie was talking, not liking it but she knows Sophie is right.

"She's not lying." Juniper scratches her forehead, a habit she does when she's stressed. "This will kill Davina and all of us, if the Harvest Ritual isn't complete. There is only one question if the Harvest Ritual is complete, will it work?" She looks from Sophie to Klaus, who has a drink in his hand, he sets it down reaching over to grab her a glass pouring her a drink.

"You look like you need one, luv." He hands it to her, she takes it. Staring at it as she brings it to her lips.

"I'm going to need more than just one." She mutters taking three big gulps of the auburn liquid placing the glass back on the counter leaving the room, to tell Davina the news about the Harvest Ritual needing to be complete.


Juniper wakes up Davina trying to find the best way to tell her, Rebekah offers to go with her, so she takes the offer. The two women talk to the youngest Claire telling her how her illness will progress the longer that she holds it in. They explain that she will go through the four elements, each one representing the four girls that were sacrificed. Earth, air, water, and fire.

"Every stage will be worse, Vina. For you and the town." June holds her sister's hand. They continue to tell Davina how everything will go on, leading up to the topic Juniper dreads telling her. "There's one more thing..." June looks at Rebekah for help.

"They want to complete the Harvest." Rebekah tells Davina. The teen begins to shake her head, tears brimming her eyes.

"No!" Davina looks at her sister for help, holding onto her hand for as if her life depended on it.

"The witches say that you'll be resurrected." Rebekah continues.

"They're liars! June you can't believe this! They'll say anything to get what they want. Just like Marcel, just like you." Davina looks towards June for help but before the Demon Queen can answer Rebekah does.

"Davina you may think that I don't care about you but you're wrong. I know what it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions. How do you think I became a vampire?" Rebekah tells the young witch, Marcel knocks on the door asking for June so her, Marcel, and Elijah can talk to Sophie in private. June quickly kisses Davina's forehead promising her that she will be right back.

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