Chapter 11

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Juniper walks into the living room her hair up in a messy bun with her pajama top and pants on, she looks at the two brothers reading then at the dead woman lying on the coffee table

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Juniper walks into the living room her hair up in a messy bun with her pajama top and pants on, she looks at the two brothers reading then at the dead woman lying on the coffee table.

"What's this book club?" Juniper asks bringing another spoonful of chocolate ice cream to her mouth. "Who's the chick?"

"This is not book club love, and she is a peace offering for Elijah. But he won't take it." Klaus explains looking up at the Demon Queen smirking at her as she counts the dead woman's demons.

"Can I have her?" The eldest Claire asks receiving strange looks from the two. "I mean what's inside of her," She explains earning even stranger looks from them. "I mean her demons you idiots, not her literal insides. And her shoes are cute, I'm taking those too."

"Go ahead." Elijah waves her off continuing to read his book. Juniper smiles setting the bowl of ice cream on the girl's chest, taking the cream color heels off of her, reveals the woman's demons pulling out her blade cutting her palm.

"Θα μου τιμήσει να έρθεις μαζί μου και με τον στρατό μου." (I would be honored for you to join me and my army.) Juniper speaks in her native tongue, Klaus watches her interested and amazed.

"Πρέπει να απορρίψω την προσφορά, Βασίλισσα. Τα καθήκοντά μου δεν έχουν εκπληρωθεί." (I have to decline the offer, Queen. My duties have not been fulfilled.) One out of the five demons speak bowing as the other four enter June's body.

"Έτσι λοιπόν, αλλά αν διακόψετε την ειρήνη τότε θα υπάρξουν συνέπειες και θα τιμωρηθείτε." (So be it, but if you disrupt the peace then there will be consequences and you will be punished.) She informs the demon noting every little detail about it.

"Ευχαριστώ." (Thank you.) The demon vanishes Juniper grabs her lighter burning her wound close wiping the blood from her blade on the woman's dress.

"Princess is up," June informs them picking up her bowl. "And I don't mean you, Klaus." She adds earning a glare from the Hybrid she winks at him before walking into the kitchen.

"Listen I know I'm the only one in this house that actually drinks milk but would it kill any of you to make sure its on the grocery list." Hayley tells the two vampires and Demon Queen.

"Speaking of, add bleach." Rebekah walks through the kitchen putting on yellow rubber gloves.

"I hope my siblings and June were hospitable toward you in my absence." Elijah speaks to the pregnant werewolf who is taking all the sweet treats out of the fridge but gets her hand smacked by Juniper telling Hayley that what she is pulling out isn't breakfast putting them back in the fridge.

"Your one to talk." Hayley smacks Juniper's hand pulling the sweet treats back out. "And in your absences- as you like to call it which is way too polite, way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart I have been attacked by French Quarter vampires. I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and I was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced my baby is Lucifer." Hayley explains as Elijah switches the sweets for milk, orange juice, and cereal. The wolf looks down at the carton of milk slightly embarrassed. "They've been... fine... your siblings are weirdly protective. I know I have you to thank for that. And June has been a great babysitter." Both look at the Demon Queen who is humming a song that is stuck in her head as she washes the dishes.

"I'm just happy to see that you're in one piece. Back to those murderous witches, I have some concerns." Elijah hands Hayley the bowl and spoon.

"They're evil and my life is still linked to Sophie Deveraux which is not comforting."

"Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem."

"I am all for it as soon as they're unlinked we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?" Rebekah asks dragging the dead woman out of the kitchen.

"Probably no one." The Noble Original tells his little sister earning a look from Hayley, "Alright potentially everyone." He smiles putting the milk and juice back in the fridge.


"Ready?" Juniper asks Elijah walking into the living room fixing her top.

"Yes, Niklaus is coming with us to make sure that I am not interrupted. Rebekah you stay here and watch Hayley." Elijah walks out of the room.

"How did I get elected super nanny? It's Juniper's job to babysit not mine." Rebekah complains, as Klaus gets up from his seat.

"Yeah but my first job is to protect my sister so you'll have to fill in," Juniper tells her.

"More importantly who put him in charge?" Klaus asks right when the oldest Original tells the two to hurry up.

"Bossy," Juniper mutters rolling her eyes walking off. Elijah offers his hand so he can use his supernatural speed to get to the church. "No thanks, bub. My way is much faster." She declines walking off letting the black smoke surround her as she prepares to travel.


June appears in the Church's attic sitting on Davina's bed, the young Claire turns around from her drawing to grab a towel jumping back when she sees Juniper.

"Geeze June you scared me." Davina tells her older sister Juniper smiles at her before the Noble Original knocks on the door.

The older Claire lets the two talk as she reads one of her books, she gets lost in the book. Her demons whisper to her telling her to read the passage backwards, she does as they ask watching it rewrite itself to her native language.

Έχει δηλητηριαστεί. Με αυτό έρχεται ένα οδυνηρό deAth. Τέτοιο υγρό αφήνει λιγότερο αίσθηση. Κάποιος που θα την αφήσει από την αναπνοή. Το άλλο θα είναι ωραία, αν και δεν τους νοιάζει.Είναι αρκετά υγιής μόνο που θα κάνει είναι να κλαψουρίζει. Αλλά τόλμησαν. Να δοκιμάσετε και να χάσετε με εκείνους που είναι πιο ισχυροί από αυτούς.Θα ξανακάνουν αυτό που έχουν κάνει! Βλέποντας ότι δεν μπορούν να διορθώσουν αυτό με ένα πολύ μικρό κόσμημα. Το αποτέλεσμα γι 'αυτούς δεν θα είναι fuN! Ένα hEart θα τραβηχτεί έξω από ένα στήθος, θα είναι ένα αιματηρό χάος. Αλλά για το καλύτερο, αυτό πρέπει να διακηρύξουμε.

(She's been poisoned. With that comes a painful deAth. Such liquid leaves her less poise. One that'll leave her out of breath. The other shall be fine, although they do not care. She is healthy enough all she will do is whine. But they did dare. To try and mess with those who are more powerful then them. They will reGret what they have done! Seeing that they can not fix this with a pretty little gem. The outcome for them will not be fuN! A hEart will be pulled out of a chest, it will be a bloody mess. But it's for the best, that is what we have to confesS.)

She reads her eyes turning their obsidian black with crimson red pupil, she travels using her abilities to go back to the house.

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