Chapter 4

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     Once the three girls get back to the house they get lectured by Klaus, the Hybrid yells at them for leaving the house and specifically at Juniper for letting Hayley go out even when she knows that wolfs are banned from the Quarter

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     Once the three girls get back to the house they get lectured by Klaus, the Hybrid yells at them for leaving the house and specifically at Juniper for letting Hayley go out even when she knows that wolfs are banned from the Quarter. One of the nightwalkers is still alive grunting in pain as he tries to escape, Rebekah steps forward ready to kill this nightwalker but Klaus yells at his little sister to leave him. The siblings start to argue, Rebekah yells at Klaus saying that if she hadn't shown up then they would have been screwed and that Klaus has done nothing for his unborn child.

    "Not entirely, I could have handled them," June interrupts their bickering both siblings glare at her secretly saying that now is not the time, she raises her hands in a surrendering motion mumbling that she'll stay quite.

    "I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you shall I? Marcel hasn't trusted me from day one, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control." The male Mikaelson tells the female that he had killed two humans so he can use them as spies. Then he explains that he compelled the newest bartender, Camille at Rousse's to go on a date with Marcel. 'That's cold' June thinks when the Hybrid tells the group that Camille rejected Marcel calling him a 'Bad Boy'. Klaus Mikaelson then grabs the still living vampire by the leg then drags him inside informing all three of them that he is going to drain him of vervain and use him as another spy.

    "Does anyone have anymore questions?" Klaus asks them Juniper goes to say something but the Hybrid cuts her off still on his rant. "No? Good. Because I have a question, Hayley, Juniper. What were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place?" There's a long pause before Klaus yells. "ANSWER ME!"

    "We were in the Quarter because she was buying poison, to kill the child." Juniper says stepping in front of the expecting mother just in case the Hybrid tries anything. The Hybrid looks hurt before he masks it with anger using his vampire speed he slams the Demon Queen into the wall choking her, Juniper winces from the pain but quickly covers it by glaring at Klaus he applies more pressure causing the girl to gasp for a breath. Her lungs are on fire desperate for the air to circulate through them, she shuts her eyes calming her demons down before they attack the man in front of her. All of them can hear her wild heartbeat trying to work double time just as desperate for air as her lungs.

     "Nik!" Rebekah shouts at her older brother but he doesn't budge he only adds more pressure causing her to open her eyes gasping for air, both Hayley and Rebekah are wondering why she hasn't fought back.

     Juniper's face turns a bright red, the little black dots threating to let the darkness consume her. Rebekah then uses her vampire speed to push her older brother off of the Demon Queen yelling at him not to touch her. Juniper gasps for air rubbing her throat letting out a few coughs, Hayley goes to touch her but Juniper backs up mouthing an 'I'm fine'.

     "All this bluster about not wanting the child and then the second they tell you she's ready to get rid of it... It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, that's all he's ever wanted for you, all we ever wanted" Both Rebekah and Klaus look like they are about to cry, he tries to hide his pain but failed to do so. Niklaus looks at Juniper feeling guilty when he spots the red handprint on her neck.

    "I gave Elijah to Marcel." Klaus admits to his sister she turns to look at him.


    "Marcel was nervous. It was bad enough that one Original returned to town but two? His crew was getting antsy he wanted Elijah gone, so I gave him a peace offering." He explains

    "You bartered out brother." Rebekah tells him

    "I have a plan gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it, there's the door. See if I care," The Hybrid tells his sister before getting up and walking away sparing one last glance at Juniper before he turns the corner.


     Juniper sits outside with Rebekah as they stare off into space, truth be told she is waiting for all of them to either fall asleep or leave the house so she can go see Davina. Juniper thanked Rebekah for having her back, she was about to leave the blonde Original alone but Hayley comes up to them giving them both a soft smile.

    "What's the deal with you two. You say you hate him when it's so clear even when you say you hate him, you love him." Hayley asks looking out to the fields. Rebekah then explains to Hayley that she has spent a thousand year with him and leaving him is compared to losing a part of yourself.

    She then explains how Niklaus kept killing all of her boyfriends because they weren't good enough for her, until Marcel. The Demon Queen smiles to herself, she knows the story of Marcel Gerard and Rebekah Mikaelson how they fell in love over the course of time and how Niklaus daggered her for falling for him. The pregnant wolf takes out two silver daggers from her boot giving them to Rebekah telling the girls that she found them under one of the coffins. Rebekah thanks her then leaves the plantation to go demand Elijah back from Marcel, Juniper fake yawns telling Hayley that she's going to go to bed but before she can get out of her chair Hayley stops her.

    "What was that back there with the vampires?" She asks Juniper truly curious about what she is.

    "I already told you, baby momma I'm different." Juniper shrugs her shoulders walking away.

     Once she is in her room, Juniper changes into an all black outfit then waits for Hayley to fall asleep, she texts Marcel that she is on her way to go see Davina wanting to talk to him about other matters as well. She gets to the church humming a song that has been stuck in her head all day, when she steps into the attic she can feel that Davina used her magic.

    "Vina! I brought you your favorite..." she tells her younger sister hugging her then handing her the tea, "...who did you use your magic on?" she asks looking at the direct spots that Rebekah was thrown against the wall when she and Marcel were here.

    "One of the old ones, Marcel brought her here she was rude so I threw her out," Juniper applauds her sister's new found boldness, before turning to the Original that is lying in the coffin with a dagger in his chest.

    "Do you know how many demons this one has?" She smiles mischievously at her little sister wanting to take his demons.

    "What took you so long to visit, you know it gets boring up here," Davina complains ignoring her sister's question.

     "You know I have to work only difference is this job might take longer than other's" Juniper explains flopping down on Davina's bed.

     "I hate being up here,"

     "I know you do but it's only going to be for a couple more months, hey shouldn't you be sleeping its almost midnight." Juniper raises an eyebrow at her, Davina sighs before walking towards the bed getting comfortable under the covers. Juniper kisses her forehead telling her goodnight before going to sit down in the chair and start reading a book. She waits till Davina is in deep sleep so she can take away two of her demons, she cuts her palm open like before telling the demons to join the rest of them, the two demons enter without hesitation. Juniper burns the wound close before leaving the church back to the house to get some sleep.

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